Cost of rest in Ajaman


The most popular resorts in the UAE is considered to be Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Fujair. It is not surprising, because it is in these cities that a tourist infrastructure is well developed, there are many hotels and entertainment. However, it seems to me, completely undeservedly from the field of view of domestic travel agencies escaped the city, located just 10 minutes from the center of Sharjah. Ajman refers to even more new cities than the neighboring Sharjah. His new areas are incredibly popular among local youth and foreigners who dream of buying housing in this country, but there is not enough elite apartments in large cities.

Despite the fact that Emirate Ajman refers to the least rich regions of the country, there is a sufficient number of excellent hotels located directly on the coastline of the Persian Gulf. Among the most popular, Kempinski Hotel, The Ajman Palace Hotel & Resort, Ajman Saray and several other 4-5 * hotels are available. All of them can please huge beaches, spacious rooms and high level of service. But rest in them will cost a very round sum, at least $ 180 / night in a double room.

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For budget tourists in Ajman there are two accommodation options:

- In the small urban hotel in the studio

- in the rented apartment

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In the first case, it is more profitable to book a studio in a small hotel near the city beach. The room will cost 30 - 50 dollars per day. If the rest is scheduled for two or more weeks, it is much more convenient to rent a small apartment with furniture. Usually, the rental price per month does not exceed $ 500 - 700. Cooking breakfasts and dinners can be at home, and dinner in one of the local restaurants. By the way, you can eat most cheap if you buy seafood and fish in the city fish market. There the choice is huge, and the prices are modest. The market begins work from 7:00.

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The cost of renting apartments is significantly reduced to the hot season from May to September, when the air temperature takes off to +40 degrees and above.

If we talk about saving on transport, then you should remember the car rental. Of course, much depends on the tourists themselves and their desire to move around the country. If there are many trips to other cities, and the number of tourists in a group of more than two people, a rented car significantly reduces the cost of the road. Prices for small passenger cars start from $ 40 / day. The smaller the agency, the fact that the manager. You shouldn't think about the possibility of getting into the hands of scammers in the UAE. All car rental companies undergo official design.

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