Visa to Canada. How much is it and how to get?


In order to visit Canada, the Russian citizen will need a visa.

Visa to Canada. How much is it and how to get? 12501_1

And if this can serve as a consolation, the Canadian visa needs to receive residents of many other countries. Immediately it should be noted that Canada is not quite friendly and loyal to us the country and this also applies to visas too. According to statistics, only 50 percent of the visa requests is awarded with a positive solution. And this is the most positive decision can delay the visa center for several months. And it is precisely the most visa center in Moscow that needs to submit documents for a visa. And therefore, not at all turns a surprise the list of documents necessary for a visa. Moreover, the embassy has the right to request additional documents. And many tourists prudently draw up insurance against unbearable. After all, the percentage of failures is very large.

Visa to Canada. How much is it and how to get? 12501_2

And so, to be able to visit Canada's wonderful country, you must provide the following documents:

  • First of all, the term of the passport must be more than six months at the time of the alleged return from Canada, the photocopy of its first page is also needed.
  • Old and annulled passports will also be needed.
  • two photos
  • The questionnaire that needs to be filled in English or French
  • Also mandatory documents on ownership. Documents for a visa will not even consider if the tourist has no apartment or at least a land plot. And as evidence of owning a car, you can provide its technical passport. Also suitable or general power of attorney
  • Proof of financial consistency. This may be, for example, an extract from the bank account
  • You will also need a certificate from the place of work indicating the post and wages. But that's not all. It may take a business card or advertising avenue on the activities of the organization
  • You still need to provide documents on booking tickets and rooms at the hotel, as well as the route of the expected trip

If the tourist was already in Canada or he has all of the above documents in perfect order, he can even count on a multiple Canadian visa. And by the way, it is out of 10 years.

A greater chance to get a long-awaited visa for those tourists who have planted insurance with a large coating for the entire ride period.

If a child is going to Canada with one of the parents, then, in addition to the birth certificate, he will need a notarized permission from the second parent. And if he rides not with his parents, he will need two permissions.

Pensioners and students except the student or pension certificate must provide a sponsorship letter among other documents and a reference from the sponsor from its place of work.

And by the way, the passport of an old sample, where children are inscribed in parents passport for Canada will not fit. A separate passport is laid for the child.

It is necessary to take into account when planning a trip to Canada, that the minimum term of consideration of documents for a visa is 15 days. And sometimes the interview is required. But they warn in advance and late for it almost equal to the abandonment of a visa.

The consular fee is currently 3200 rubles and an additional service fee of 965 rubles.

Embassy of Canada in Moscow

Address: 119002, Moscow, older per., 23

Phone / Fax: (495) 956-60-00, 956-60-25

Visa to Canada. How much is it and how to get? 12501_3

Canada Visa Center in Moscow

Address: Moscow, ul. Sustvian shaft, 31/1

Telephone: (499) 426-03-84, (499) 681-19-25

From the practice of obtaining Canadian visas with my friends I want to say that only one of three could do it from the first time. Moreover, the Canadians are caused by refusal, as a rule, do not explain. So, I can only wish good luck to those who want to visit this country.

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