Cuba. Childhood dream.


When the time of our next vacation approached, we thought about where to go. I offered Egypt, as it is fiscal, but the husband said that there is no Egypt and a point! I always dreamed of seeing the same white sand with unworn advertising directories. It turned out that my husband had a dream since childhood. Go to Cuba - Freedom Island. Apparently, the Soviet echoes of friendship between Cuba and the USSR affected. Well, cube, so cube. I was only "for" and we began to consider options. Our vacation fell on the second half of September, and in those places this rainy season. But this was not afraid of this. And on September 20, we have moved into a long way. By train to Moscow, night at the airport and 11 hours of flight. I slept the whole flight and woke up at the landing.

Our rest was at the resort of Varadero, I was surprised that the passage to the territory of the city is paid, and the fee is such that not every local can afford to pass there. We were brought to the hotel, we threw the suitcases, changed and ran to the sea. I still remember the picture I saw on the beach, a grayish white sand, azure color of the ocean and warm water to the bath. The sky clouded clouds, we saw zipper, but from the sea, we pulled out only the strongest rain.

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Varadero, and the whole cube is an amazing place. Old cars that will signal at least 3 times, offering their services, these are illegal sellers of cigars and Roma who swim to you to "chat" in the sea and at this time offer our goods. My husband was offered a pack of cigars in exchange for his beach sneakers. We lived next to the largest bar, all tourists were going on the cup of cocktails in the evening and see how local dance. They have a dance in the blood, they simply can not stand still if they hear music. The bar itself is not for themselves, so they dance on the street next to the bar.

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To do in Varadero itself, we have nothing to do, we rested all day on the beach, drove a couple of times in one single shopping center, on a two-story bus. For two days they took the car, went to the orchids park, visited local restaurants, tried a specific Cuban food and drove along wild beaches. Beautiful nature, a lot of greenery, clean sea. The car was not afraid to take, and did the right thing. Roads are free, transport is small and in daytime security. In the dark, lights are not lit on the tracks, but this is a kind of adrenaline. About Cuba can be told for hours, but it is better to look at all this with your own eyes.

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