What excursions should go to Bohne?


The surroundings of Bohinsky Lake are surprisingly beautiful, so, despite the privacy of this place, they will be very difficult to bother the rest here.

What excursions should go to Bohne? 12441_1

Julian Alps

In my opinion, one of the most interesting excursions, allowing to get acquainted with the nature of the region. Here and the Alpine roads with magnificent views on the snow-covered tops of the vertices, and the turquoise River opca, launching its path among the emerald valleys, and walk through the famous National Park of Slovenia. An excursion to the Julian Alps will take a whole day, its cost, together with entrance tickets to the Treagal National Park - 40 euros.

Hiking podkukskaya trail

Plotoka is familiar, probably, all lovers of winter sports, which are not small in our country. But it turned out that there is a reason to visit here and in the summer. In addition to magnificent species, standard for this area, you can see grazing on the alpine meadows of cows, sheep, oz. Here grows a large number of berries and mushrooms, wild animals live (if lucky, you can see them). And the air is just great. The only thing here is to take a jacket warmer, because it is quite cool and comfortable shoes: there will have a lot to go, and the roads are appropriate here. The cost of an excursion to the puffy - 30 euros. The duration of the excursion is 5.5 hours.

Ride on Lake Bled and Bled Castle

The famous pearl of Slovenia - Lake Bled, is located just 25 kilometers from Fochin. If there is more resting holidays on Bhukhina, then on the flare it is more respectable. During the excursion you can see the lake itself, as if descended from the pages of a fairy tale, a tiny island in the middle and a Bled castle, towering over all of this. The cost of the tours of the Bled - 25 euros (the price includes an entrance ticket to the Bled Castle). The city of Bled, framing the lake, by the way, can be inspected independently what we did. The price of ticket from Fochin to Bled is about 3 euros one way. The cost of the ticket to the castle is 9 euros. And the information can be leaning from a bright illustrated guide in Russian, which is sold in the shop of souvenirs in the castle. His host - 12 euros

Perichest - Radovna - Whitgar

This excursion, as in the Julian Alps, also passes through the Triglav National Park. One of its most important attractions is the Gorge of Wintgar. An extremely picturesque place with waterfalls, the mountain river Radovna, the Valleys of the Crima and Krnik, narrow paths and twisted through the reservoirs by bridges. The cost of the excursion is 33 euros. Excursion begins at the morning and lasts 5 hours. The price includes entrance tickets to Whitgar. By the way, from Bhukhin to Whitgara can be easily reached by car. On the road a large number of pointers, near the entrance to the gorge there is a small free parking, and the cost of the entrance ticket to the territory is about 5 euros. In addition to comfortable shoes, it is worth taking a waterproof jacket with a hood or raincoat: some tourist tracks feel a jet from the waterfalls.

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Frangle - Idriya

This excursion will be interesting first of all lovers of history. After all, it includes a visit to the famous historical sightseeing - the partisan hospital Fiana, secretly functioning during the Second World War. There is a hospital in the gorge among the mountains. Now she is converted into a museum where you can see the bunker, the room for the wounded, dining room, the X-ray apparatus and a small power station, and also hear the history of its creation and operation.

The second point of the trip is the mining city of Idry, one of the most popular tourist centers of Slovenia. It is famous primarily by local craftswoman letters a unique lace on Cocnels, local cuisine, the most famous dish of which is the Idry Glickroof and juniper vodka. Here is also provided for visiting the Guperkeneg Castle, famous for its city museum, the Church of the Holy Trinity and the most ancient mercury mines in Europe.

This excursion will take a whole day, its cost together with entrance tickets - 42 euros.


From Bohryn, you can go to the country's capital - Ljubljana, with a small, but very attractive historical center. Here waiting for a walk through the squares, embankments, famous Ljubljan bridges, acquaintance with the main architectural monuments, including with the Ljubljana Grave, towering over the old town and new areas of the Slovenian capital. The cost of a trip to the capital is 36 euros. This cost does not include acquaintance with the Ljubljana Zamo from the inside. If there is no desire to buy an excursion and study the city exclusively with the guide, then you can go to Ljubljana yourself. Ticket for the bus from Bohinsky Lake to Ljubljana will cost about 10 euros one way, the road will take 2 hours. Bus arrives at the station, located near the center of the Slovenian capital.

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People's Cave Pit and Protesque Castle

Postwayna Yama is the main cave of Slovenia and one of the favorite attractions (many banners on the main highway of the country are filled with advertising this place. A carst cave with a railway, on which tourists, the beer river, through which can be passed through the underground bridge, luxury halls. Before entering the cave is a magnificent construction - the location of the castle. There is a castle on a high rock and it seems that it seems to be stripped to her. There are luxurious views of the neighborhood from the castle, and the feeling that came in the Middle Ages itself. The cost of a trip for the whole day is 60 euros (here includes tickets to the cave and castle).

Also from Bohinsky lakes can be traveled on excursions to neighboring countries: Austria and Italy. An excursion to Austria includes a trip along the picturesque mountain roads of the Karinthia region, acquaintance with the main city of federal land - Klagenfurt, a visit to the Austrian Riviera - Lake Verceree and the Felden's fashionable resort standing on it. The excursion lasts all day, its cost is 40 euros.

The second "foreign tour from Bohyn Lake is a trip to the Adriatic Sea coast to Venice. In addition to the acquaintance with the main attractions of the city: San Marco Square, the Palace of the Doh, Rialto Bridge, here it will be possible to ride a gondola. The excursion itself lasts from 6.30 am to 11 pm. Its cost - 72 euros.

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