Where can I eat in Los Angeles?


Gastronomic establishments in Los Angeles are as smart as local hotels, shops and other superior buildings. Distinctive feature local restaurants are their Impeccable style, luxury and widest variety . The establishment of the city is offered to try dishes for the most distinguished taste, from any kitchens of the world: here it is possible to eat here and a conventional hamburger, and try the saint of ethnic cuisine of any country. The cost of lunch in various catering establishments is also not the same. Those who are financially not allowed to afford more or do not really relate to their own health, you can look at the institutions such as Wendy's, McDonald's or Burger King. Or buy right on Tako or Burrito Street: they are sold in special trays. True gourmets will feel themselves in the city of Angels as in paradise: luxury restaurants are located here, where Mexican, Japanese, Italian, Latin American, Russian, Korean culinary tradition are presented.

The owners of a number of institutions of Los Angeles are the stars of show business - for example, the Beso restaurant serves one of the best steaks in the city, Eva Longoria, and Milky Way, in which kossere dishes can be enjoyed, is the property of Stephen Spielberg . Japanese restaurant "Nobu", owned by the best, opened in the city of Angels Robert de Niro.

Let's talk now about local gastronomic institutions more specifically.

Restaurants Los Angeles


This establishment of Japanese cuisine is pleasantly impressive. The name of the restaurant gave his owner and at the same time a chef - Hiro Urasawa. He was born in Japan, and real national dishes prepare perfectly. Many visitors consider this Japanese restaurant the best in Los Angeles among other institutions of the same direction.

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Kushans are prepared only from products delivered from the country of the rising sun. More in any other restaurant can not try such skillfully cooked Tokyo dishes, so, visiting UraSawa, with pleasant gastronomic impressions you will definitely provide yourself.

The design of the restaurant is not distinguished by luxury, everything is quite modest, without personality. There are no decorations on the walls, on the tables are simple light tablecloths, the chairs are very spartan. The number of seats is also small. But all this does not matter, because Quality of dishes in this restaurant - at the highest level.

Papa Cristo's

Restaurant "Papa Cristo's is known on only in Los Angeles, but also beyond. Local argue that among the institutions that represent Greek cuisine, this is the best, and in addition, it is in Papa Cristo's best rest with the family.

Here you can Enchant the eats of Greek and Mediterranean cuisine . For the preparation of dishes with local chefs, excellent quality products, brought to the angels rolling from different ends of the world. You can advise to try the branded "chip" - Chicken on grill which here is served with roasted potatoes and Pahlava - as dessert . By the way, the abundance of desserts will be pleasant to the defector: here are home cookies, custard cakes, juices and ice cream. There is a special menu for fans of vegetarian cuisine.

Among the services provided there catering : There is an opportunity to order the dish younger, using the site of the restaurant, and your order will be delivered to anywhere in the city. Separately, you can also mention the good level of service and the atmosphere of the institution: the owners of the restaurant Papa Cristo's care that everyone who has visited, only pleasant impressions remain.

Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles

This restaurant has significant differences from other gastronomic institutions of the city: the main emphasis here is made on dishes (they are delicious and satisfying), the rest attaches a secondary meaning. Every day, visitors form a considerable queue near the restaurant, in order to be able to enjoy the company Roscoe's Chicken With Crisp Crust and Gentle Wafers . Also here from cooking homemade bread, sandwiches with chicken, patties with potatoes and different salads.

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The owner of this institution is Herb Hudson - Born in Harlem, and created his restaurant business in Los Angeles, taking into account the ethnic American color.

Soon after the founding of the restaurant, he received good advertising thanks to the familiar owner - the famous movie star and singer Natalie Cole. Another famous fan "Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles" - the actor of Radd Fox - always stated on TV, which prefers to dinner only in this restaurant. About the famous corporate church Roscoe's not once mentioned in the cinema.

Nowadays, there is a whole network of restaurants "Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles", and the main and first of them are the one that appeared in Hollywood, on N Gower. Other cities where there are such institutions are Pasaden, Inglwood, Long Beach and Anaheim.

Musso and Frank Grill

Restaurant "Musso and Frank Grill" boasts a long-standing story: I found it in 1919, and since then there were no special changes in the institution. Here is the tradition of tradition, and this is the main idea of ​​this institution. The restaurant was called in honor of the two first owners - Joseph Musso and Frank Tula.

The location of the restaurant "Musso and Frank Grill" is an old building standing on Hollywood Boulevard. Thanks to this location, the reputation of the establishment only won - as his visitors were the stars of a global scale, such as Ernest Hamingway, Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and many other famous figures. Here they filmed the scene of the movie "Ed Wood" Tim Berton. Restaurant "Musso and Frank Grill" can be seen in the famous computer game "Los Angeles Noir" - as an urban note.

As for the design of the interior decoration, it has not changed, the interior is the same: here you can see wooden ceiling beams, heavy elements made of mahogany and black, upholstered sofas. The menu presents fish dishes, steaks, omelets and traditional sandwiches - the choice is good enough. Popular alcoholic beverages that prefer visitors to this institution are dry martini and local Margarita.

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