Rest on Fuerteventura: For and against


Fuerteventura is one of the islands of the Canary Archipelago, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean not far from the shores of Africa.

Recently, the Canary Islands have attracted more and more tourists from around the world, there really can be a good rest, however, resting in Canaars in general and on Fuerteventura in particular has its own characteristic features.

I would like to start with Pluses of rest on this island.

So, the first plus of Fuerteventura is her Extended sandy beaches , as well as Beach season, which continues there all year round . Beach there are very clean, and the water is transparent. In principle, it is really possible to swim on the island in December, and in January, but it should be noted that the water temperature in the Atlantic is significantly lower than in Europe - it is about 19 - 22 degrees and practically does not change throughout the year. Fans of warm water on Fuerteventura are unlikely to like it - the water in the ocean is frankly cool, of course, you can swim there, but in order not to freeze, you have to constantly move, and two hours in such water are unlikely to spend. In summer, the air temperature is slightly higher - the thermometer rises to 30 degrees, and in the winter the average temperature is about 25. It should also be considered that the Fuerteventura is constantly being blown by the winds, so there are waves on most of the beaches - somewhere else, where they are somewhere then a little less.

Rest on Fuerteventura: For and against 12419_1

The second plus rest on Fuerteventura is very beautiful and practically untouched by man nature . The inhabitants on the island are quite a bit, the density of the population is the smallest among the islands of the Canary Archipelago, and tourism began to develop relatively recently - that is why on Fuerteventura, you can admire the magnificent intact landscapes. This is especially true of the central part of the island - it is practically not populated, so there may be forging those who prefer to enjoy nature in privacy. It is particularly profitable for this from Tenerife and Grand Canaria, where tourism has developed quite a long time. Fuerteventura has not yet been joined and not seggested by crowds of tourists (unlike more popular Canary resorts).

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Another plus of Fuerteventura is an island, as it is not better suitable for surfing lovers, windsurfing, as well as kite. The island is constantly blowing strong winds, which creates just ideal conditions for riding on the board. That is why Fuerteventura is considered One of the best resorts for fans of water sports . It is also worth noting that recently there has been a sufficiently large number of surf schools on the island, which, among other things, are engaged in learning from scratch. There are among them and Russian-speaking schools, the instructors there are Russians there who left live on this island. One of the best beaches for riding on the board is Corralejo.

The pros of staying on the island can also be attributed Friendliness of local residents - They are pretty friendly, tourists are very warm. At the same time, they are not too intrusive, so in no way they will interfere with your acquaintance with the island.

Thus, the Fuerteventura is better suitable for those who do not frighten the cool ocean, for those who do or would like to try themselves in water sports, as well as for connoisseurs of nature, calm and silence.

And now a little about Minuses of rest on Fuerteventura.

The first and fairly substantial minus is Distance Canary from Russia and Lack of direct regular flights both from Moscow and from other cities of Russia. The flight to Canary from the European part of Russia takes at least 6-7 hours, so those who are accustomed to short flights to the Mediterranean, it can do not like it. In addition, there are no direct flights, so you will have to fly from one, or even a few transfers. To the positive moments here, I can deliver unless the presence of a flight of the Irish airline - Duscooner Ryanair, which departs from Dusseldorf (Düsseldorf Airport - Vice, which is located in the suburbs). Düsseldorf, in turn, can be reached from Finland on the same Ryanaire. It is possible that in this way you can significantly save on the ticket, but, of course, it will be not the most convenient route.

The second minus Fuerteventura is scorching sun (For the most part, this is definitely refers to the summer). The distance to Africa is only 100 kilometers, the island is much closer to the equator than European countries, so the sun here is very evil - you will need to use sunscreen with a high protection factor and do not be under the scorching sun.

Another minus is directly related to the insufficient development of the tourism industry - On Fuerteventura You will not find a large number of entertainment, souvenir shops, show for tourists, large number of bar and discos . In most resorts of the island with the onset of darkness, life freezes, so that lovers of stormy nightlife such a holiday is unlikely to taste.

It should also be borne in mind that on Fuerteventura No special attractions . The capital of the island - Puerto del Rosario is a small provincial town, the population of which is only about 35 thousand people, so there are no museums and palaces to which tourists who visited Barcelona, ​​Madrid or other major cities were accustomed to Spain.

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From the most significant sights of the island, I can allocate the house-museum of the philosopher and writer Miguel de Unomuno, who conducted a part of life on the island, the Museum of Betancuria (the old capital of Fuerteventura), the zoo in the town of La Lakhita, which is located on the east coast and, perhaps the village La Olive, where the governor's palace is open to visit. Fuertheventura's sightseeing holidays will seem too boring, because there is essentially important historical events on the island, and it is a wonderful still quiet open-air reserve, where you can fully enjoy nature and feel your unity with her.

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