What time is it better to go to the holidays in Padu?


Padova is located in the north of Italy, in the province of Veneto, quite not far from the famous Venice (only 40 kilometers share them).

The climate in Padua Continental, that is, there are vividly expressed differences between different seasons - Summer there is quite hot , but In winter, relatively cool. The average temperature in winter ranges from 7 to 10 degrees, and in the summer, the thermometer's column on average rises to 23 - 30 degrees. For Padua, elevated air humidity is also characterized (average annual is about 72 percent), which is why fogs are formed in the city, and the summer is quite wet. November is considered to be November, according to statistics in November, a record amount of precipitation drops.

Most of the tourists come to Paduyu summer, in July and August, combining beach holidays with sightseeing. Those who decide to do also can be recommended to take a headdress with them, sunscreen with a rather high factor, as well as a sufficient amount of drinking water - if the day is hot, then in the center of the city you will have hardly - on narrow streets it is pretty stuffy, and a stone quickly heats up. Power will be in museums and churches - their thick walls protect the premises from rapid heating.

What time is it better to go to the holidays in Padu? 12412_1

Already in September, the air temperature decreases and is about 16-20 degrees, so ruling around the city is gradually becoming more comfortable. At this time, it is already worth capturing with yourself any warm clothes, because with a strong wind in Padua, it becomes quite cool. In October, the temperature decreases even more, so wishing to visit the city this month, it is worth taking care of warm clothes. I would not recommend choosing November to visit Padua, because it is In November, a record amount of precipitation falls in the city - The likelihood that you will not part with an umbrella during the whole of your stay in Padua, so on long walks on medieval streets will have to forget.

What time is it better to go to the holidays in Padu? 12412_2

In the winter months, the temperature rarely falls below zero , There are almost no snow, and the average temperature is 5-10 degrees. The precipitation is already becoming significantly less, so if the coolness does not scare you, you can safely choose the winter to visit Padua. We were just there in January, the weather was quite good - 10 degrees and the sun shone, so we were dressed in the autumn, which did not prevent us from enjoy the beauty of the city. However, a pretty strong wind blew, so we put on the scarves and from time to time went to local cafes to warm up a little.

With the onset of spring in Padua, everything is warmer, so from March to May it is quite possible to come there - especially since flowers begin to bloom, so urban gardens become like a living blooming carpet. The weather is still rather changeable, so do not forget about warmer clothes.

What time is it better to go to the holidays in Padu? 12412_3

Due to climate features In Padua, short-term sudden showers are possible. Therefore, going to this city, you should always have an umbrella, a rainboard or just something waterless.

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