Should I go to Tunisia?


Over the question is whether it is worth going to Tunisia, I did not think about a long time - too attractive price was on the "burning tour." And now, having been in this African country, I am definitely sure that you should visit Tunisia!

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Sea and beach holidays

Tunisia is absolutely not an alternative to Turkey and Egypt. From the first resort of Tunisia is very distinguished by the quality of hotels. Here very little or practically no noisy and fun animation. And from Egypt, it is highly different by the sea. It is wonderful, affectionate, clean, but ... empty, if compared with the Red Sea. So if you are a sophisticated amateur of a rich underwater world, the Mediterranean Sea if you do not disappoint, it will certainly not shuck. Although here you can find beautiful underwater caves and grottoes, so you will not have to be bored with an experienced dive, but it is not worth counting on something.

But the beaches of Tunisia are simply great! Snow-white sand, a gentle entrance to the water, but again there is a small reservation - algae. Each morning, hotel beaches are cleaned from a huge amount of squalus plants.

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Naturally, where the beach does not have anything about purity. But it was these algae that are one of the foundations of local cosmetology, but this later.

Another of the problems of Tunisia is jellyfish. They migrate throughout the sea, lingering in one place for about three to four days. A year for a year, of course, it is not necessary, but it is possible to run on this waterfowl and it is painful to the fanging muck on any Tunisian resort.


There is where to turn around to lovers of different antiquities. Tunisia because of its location attracted various peoples and almost every of the nations led the trail on the Tunisian Earth. In addition to one of the most famous cities - Carthage - now the open-air museum, in Tunisia there is a lot of historical attractions, museums, settlements of indigenous people - Berberov and much more.

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Roads in Tunisia are good, the transport network is developed, which contributes to independent movement. But, again there is one reservation - language. Many independent tourists are accustomed to communicate exclusively on the most popular and common international language - English. Here this number will not pass. Tunisia - the former French colony and the local population knows exclusively French. It was just a scolding situation with me: Having arrived in the capital of Tunisia Tunisia, I asked the city map at the station in the tourist agency (they are distributed free), I apologized to me with a map of Tunisia on ... Italian. So I, a person knows exclusively English, in the country where everyone speaks Frenchman moved with a map in Italian. And nothing, coped, perceiving it as a fun and informative adventure.

The main places that simply need to be visited in addition to Carthagene: the White-Blue city of Sidi-bu-Said, Saint for Muslims City Kairuan, a superbly preserved amphitheater in El Jam. Many attend the desert. This is one of the most popular excursions from the hotel guides, but I did not go. Although enthusiastic reviews mass.


This is the real pride of Tunisia. Many tourists go here precisely for this service, with the secret hope to work, tighten the skin and, of course, climb. And you need to say that it turns out.

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If earlier the thala-centers were only in the most expensive "five-stations", now even a smashed "Trejca" has its own even a small, but the office where these cosmetic services are provided.

It only applies to the choice of the center of thalassotherapy, is needed with full responsibility. After all, it is even cosmetology, but still medicine, and the main requirement of medicine is not harmful! Consultation with a cosmetologist, and in some cases and a dermatologist is obligatory! Especially when you first visited.

In each TallasoCown, you can buy both a package of procedures and a one-time session. The approximate price of a six-day course for four to five procedures per day from $ 600. A disposable procedure starts from $ 25-30. The result appears immediately after the first procedure. I believe that this is a kind of marketing move - a couple of hours of massage with a scrub plus wrapping and skin becomes in the literal sense velvet. And you immediately think: "Wow, this is what I will become after the entire course!".

Visit at least one procedure highly recommended a woman, and a man, by the way, family packages are sold. After all, in addition to the visible result: cleansing, softening and pulling the skin, you will get a tremendous inner pleasure and immerse yourself in Nirvana.


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Shopping in Tunisia is nic. At all! You can buy Bottles with multi-colored sand, various spices and hookah in Turkey and Egypt. If you have at home already in all this, then you can buy something from jewelry that berbresses or, if not hard to drag, carpet, handmade, produced in Kairhan.


Tunisia seemed to me a safe country. Still, this is the once French colony. It should be remembered that the country is Muslim and, of course, all sorts of brakes, short skirts and shorts do not wear. The center of the capital - in general looks like a small Europe. Many girls are dressed in jeans, but immediately you can see a woman in a sauna.

If you get rid like me, moving around Tunisia by public transport: minibuses, buses, electric train, be sure to take a passport with you. I checked it several times, but always returned with a smile, seeing that I was a citizen of Russia.

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With deception did not encounter never. Everywhere I tried to help, despite mutual misunderstanding and ignorance of the language. The surrender was given properly, helped pay for the passage on the bus and showed the road. I realized writing a place on a piece of paper in French, naturally, not without the help of the Internet and each came-out considered my duty to help me - Eastern hospitality in action.

I know that many tourists, after visiting this African, there are not very pleasant memories. The point is most likely in unjustified expectations. Tourist accustomed to Turkey and Egypt, you want fun and entertainment. And here this is not. I would like the real East, for which they go to Medina, and there they are met by stench, dirt and heaps of garbage - all that is the norm for poor areas around the world. I liked Tunisia and I will definitely return there.

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