Features of recreation in Mombasa


Mombasa has a full meaning of the second largest city of Kenya. It was in Kenya that the culture of Swahili originated, and the title of the city itself means - the island of war. Until 1906, the city was considered the capital of the country, because he is almost nothing more inferior on the beauty and traditional of the present capital - Nairobi. This amazing places tourists with its beauty, in which modernity borders with antiquity. Modern buildings, the ancient traditions of middle ages, excellent beaches and unique natural beauty. Therefore, Mombasa is a great place to relax both youth companies and couples and family people with children.

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The wet tropical climate allows tourists to be absolutely at any time of the year, because the weather is almost always very warm. Although, oddly enough, in the summer enough cool, rather than during the remaining months, and the period from April to May month is quite strong rains. Many tourists believe that the weather in Mombas is just amazingly hot, both in the oven, but this opinion is mistaken. In the city, the air temperature is only about +30 in the hottest months, and this is the minimum, in comparison with the rest of the countries in Africa.

The relief of the city is quite flat, and the coastal strip is characterized by excellent landscapes and a coral reef strip, which stretches almost 480 kilometers. In particular, thanks to him, Mombasa became, almost the most popular Kenya resort. It is the combination of recreation me and attracted me in Mombasa.

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Unique nature, pure sandy beaches, which are washed by the waters of the warm Indian ocean, sandalwood and mangrove trees, a long strip of corals that makes swimming quite safe, it simply shakes all this. Almost throughout the entire territory, there are such huge turtles that live here.

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It is hundreds of years, and they completely folly feel among people and tourists. The only rule! Do not feed animals in Mombasa, nothing, because for this there is a fairly high fine, in the amount of about $ 100. The authorities are very reverent about the nature of their country, and protect it with all possible ways. A large number of coast is also considered to be protected, so the beauty is enough here.

As for the sights of Mombasi, here the city is more reminiscent of the medieval eastern city, despite its modernization permanent. The historic center is simply impregnated with spices and bright fabrics that are crowded with markets and small town shops. The combination of traditions of Arabs, Persians, Africans and Europeans make the city even more colorful.

From the main port you can see the beavny Mombasi, made in the form of the letter M.

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They were built in 1952, in honor of the arrival of Queen Elizabeth. But this is just the beginning. Here are built Hindu temples in honor of Ganesh and Shiva, mosque, and other facilities for believers. Most of them are very beautiful. For example, the Ladodo Bochra mosque, located on the top of the cliff, from where the superb view of the city is located, as well as on the old harbor.

In the central area of ​​the city, the Memorial Cathedral of Mombasa deserves attention, as well as the Cathedral of St. Spirit.

But I especially remember the oldest fortress in Africa - Fort Jesus, built in 1593. The name is closely connected with the form of a fortress - the human body. Being in the siege, Fort was restored many times, then redesigned to the fortress, and today there is a National Museum.

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In the city, lovers of the seas, it is also worth visiting and modern ports. But lovers of hiking and nature will like city parks. In the park, Heller is open a pavilion of butterflies, from visiting which children come to the true delight. There are giraffes, hippos, different types of vegetation, which will make a family walk even more interesting.

But in the park Bamburi-Trail you can see a family of cat, crocodiles, as well as well-known giant turtles.

To get acquainted with the local flavor and traditions, visit the Bolster National Park, which is dedicated to African crafts.

As for the residence, the city has excellent places for comfortable accommodation. You can choose both small hunting huts and five-star hotels located simply on the ocean. You can also rent an apartment by signing the rental agreement and making a fee in advance. Here you like to like.

And now a little about nutrition. Of course, the most popular products are precipitated by seafood, of which they are preparing anything. The pier is a variety of cafes and small restaurants, which are preparing, including your own catch. It also sells fresh fish that can be prepared by themselves.

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In the city you can also book dishes of European and Asian cuisines. In the old town after 18:00, the streets simply boil with grills, and the fragrance spreads almost throughout the city. Here they are prepared both fish and meat, which is practically not distinguished from ordering in a more expensive restaurant.

In Mombasa there is a small, but very cozy Jahazi coffee house, where it is necessary to order coffee in Swahili, as well as a samos snack, which is already more traditional. And, of course, the establishments located in the beach areas are Tamarind Restaurant, and the Italian restaurant Capri.

In Mombasas are also very popular and active entertainment, such as diving, boat walks, visiting crocodile farms or snake park. For a fee, you can make a whole cruise on a yacht or Arab boats, as well as to be given in cozy rates. There are also many children's programs in which kids will be happy to take part.

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The crime of the city is quite low, in comparison with all Africa. But still it is necessary to fear pockets and follow valuable things. Do not drink water in the raw form, and rinse thoroughly and vegetables and clean the peel. The greatest minus of recreation is the risk of grabbing any disease, because hepatitis, typhus, poliomyelitis and cholera are spreading in the city. And from malaria at all should make vaccination in advance. Therefore, check the mosquito nets at the hotel or the house of your stay.

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