The most interesting places in Cairns.


Being a fairly outstanding Australian town, Cairns offers tourists a lot of fascinating, including a wide variety of excursion routes, combined with visits several non-traditional of them. But today, many tourists prefer not to pay such huge money for excursions, but trying to visit as many places as possible on their own. As for me, it is even more interesting and more exciting, because sometimes you can see such places where you will not lead a single guide, be it even very experienced. And all this is associated with very colorful features, the once formerly aborigines of the city, which have greatly influenced the culture and life of many Australians.

Australian Aboriginal Kuranda village.

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Address: Kuranda QLD 4881, Australia. Let's start with the fact that the village can be reached with the help of an old, local railway train, the path of which takes place in the mountains among the trees. The train is specifically driving very slowly so that tourists can calmly consider the surroundings and admire green forests and other beauty, the Veda way can be safely called a fairly picturesque place. You will meet old forests, birds, plants inherent in the Australian climate and, even small waterfalls flowing along the mountain slopes.

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The duration of a similar trip is only about forty minutes, and the cost of a one-way ticket is about $ 50. Why only one side ticket? Yes, just because many tourists prefer to return to Cairns, with the help of a cable outboard, worth two $ 40, also one way.

In general, the village is just beautiful. Small, but very beautiful and good, as for me. Here you can get acquainted with the culture of the aborigans and their most colorful traditions, visit some entertainment facilities.

Here is some of them:

Tropical Forest National Park. Perhaps the most popular landmark of the village, which is just five minutes from it. The park is an excellent territory of the rainforest, on which you can meet small and larger in its inhabitants, such as koalas, kangaroo, crocodiles, Dingo dogs, as well as explore the forest brew on the most real amphibian car, which has survived since the war. There is also a center for studying Aboriginal Pamagirry, where you can get acquainted with some cultural features of these tribes. In particular, see some national dances, park spears or boomerangi, or play DadGerid's old local game.

Birdworld / world birds. There is a large mesh canopy in the village, under the roof of which are bright Australian birds marked with special cards. For example, parrots, pigeons, quail and others. There are several separately located heliers with casual. For the entrance here it is necessary to pay separately -O3-14 dollars for adults, and for children - 5 dollars.

Koala gardens.

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This is a small zoo of the wild Australian nature. In addition to ordinary kangaroo, there is a Kangaroo-Wallaby, snakes, lizards, and, of course, Koala themselves, cute sympathets. In addition, visitors can hold a coal and make memorable pictures with it.

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The entrance costs about $ 14, and the photo with Koaloy -15 dollars.

Refuge butterfly. This pavilion especially like the children, because it is quite a spacious aviary, with representatives of the rainforests, which are characterized by a very bright color and grace. I generally love butterflies, so I liked it here, no less than children.

Wet tropical deintree forest.

This is a unique place in which you can go on a hike, even for a few days, tagging tents with you. It's just an amazing place to which more than 135 million years! Many extinct, or simply rare species of plants and animals live here, who are not so often tourists. The singing of forest birds, blooming orchids, greens and fragrance of the forest, which may be better and romantic.

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If you do not like or do not want to stop in primitive tents, you can stay in the house, or on the territory of the village of Deintree, right on the banks of the river.

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I really liked Casuars, they are so bright, and shy, that they are very difficult to take a picture, and I really want to make a lot of pictures for memory. By the way, the unique view of the fern is preserved in the forest - Zamia, which is already about 600 million years. It is said that his roots could withstand voracious dinosaurs.

Fans of swimming can visit the beaches pristine man, meet the sunset or enjoy colorful dawn.

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Speaking more briefly, this is a real tropical paradise in which you can spend great time. Moreover, the forest is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List, like a big barrier reef bordering his trees. This unique neighborhood, makes Australia at the level above the other resort countries of the whole world. A stunning combination of natural components allows you to come here not only to lovers of animals and birds, but also to avid divers and divers, because the reef is truly beautiful and unique.

Great Barrier Reef.

Streeting from the tropic of Capricorn to the Torres Strait, between New Guinea and Australia, Reef is considered one of the most famous national parks in the world. This beauty of the underwater world is simply impossible to describe in words, since it is the most beautiful and large reef system on the entire planet Earth.

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The national park was founded back in 1979. Not only corals, but also rare marine inhabitants are very beautiful and interesting: whales, sea turtles, parrot fish, reef sharks and others.

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Moreover, at different times of the year there are features here. For example, the reproduction period of the corals themselves or the time when the turtles begin to lay eggs on sandy shores.

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This is the most real miracle of nature, the most interesting and magnificent. It is thanks to the close location to a large barrier reef, the city of Cairns is called the gate to it. This beauty brings the city and its immediate tourist volume, just a huge number of tourists annually. Therefore, I believe that this is a miracle must be visited at least once in life. But, better if several times!

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