Visa registration in Thailand


On August 29, 2014, the order of the Immigration Service of Thailand came into force that foreign citizens will be able to extend their stay in Thailand from 30 to 60 days, without leaving the territory of Thailand ...

The Russians who loving this Asian country appeared, as it turned out that the citizens of Russia did not concern. We went to Tai for 30 days, and we will enter without being able to use the innovation.

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We will throw in the direction of the reasoning about the injustice and imperfection of the world. That's that. In principle, everything remained at the same level, but still the Government of Thailand decided to "spin nuts" for those who violate the visa regime, and such, unfortunately, especially Russians, a lot.

Thailand - a country adorable by many tourists. There have been a Russian diaspora for a long time, Russian newspapers are produced, there are Russian kindergartens, the TV channel in Russian and many other benefits, allow you to feel yourself in our native land, but with a more pleasant climate: borsch, kvass, dumplings can be at some resorts, for example, in Pattaya, to meet is much more often than a favorite volume.

But the visa questions spoil all the mood. Moreover, among the latest innovations is a complete ban on visa-wound visa. But this particular type of visa allowed the trouble to exist in TAE for many months. Visa RAS is a special type of visa, the easiest and fastest (was) way to legally extend your stay in Thailand. You just had to move the border on any ground pass to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Malaysia, after a few hours to go back and voila - get a cherished stamp for another 30 days. Now this "shop" was covered. So what happens now with a Thai visa?

Tourist visa

Here are two options: a visa on stay - you put a stamp for 15 days and a visa for an officially permitted stay in the country for 30 days, in this case the date of your departure is put on a visa. I had a return ticket at which there was a departure date on the 32nd stay, I showed it a border guard and he set the date of departure to a ticket, respectively.

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Tourist visa (as I have already written) remained unchanged. This is the easiest way, with the only nuance - it is suitable for those who came for a week - two, the maximum of three, swaying on the beach, to take off in bars - just in a small classic vacation. As usual, to obtain a visa, it is necessary to present a passport and a completed migration card. It is curious to observe how our compatriots are serious and responsible about these cards. In fact, nobody checks them at all and is definitely not read. Any border-tapet understands that a charter flew with a crowd of Russians with the right to a 30-day stay in the country and a maximum in two weeks they will flew back, well, why do you read in these cards! So if your stay in Tae is limited legally permitted 30 days, you can not read further at all, because the following information for those who are sent to Thailand for a long time or differently speaking - "Long Steiles".

Visa Ran.

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Unfortunately, this service is now, if it is, then on an illegal position. Do not check this ban on your own karma. The output is only one: to go to nearby countries, stay there for some time - old-timers recommend not less than two weeks. Fortunately that all border countries for Russians have a stay of about 30 days, except Laos - there are only 15 days. Seek a couple of weeks in these countries and without any problems to enter in Tai for 30 days. The main minus of this visa is additional costs, and if you travel with children, then everything is complicated at times. In this case, it is better to make a visa in Russia at the Thailand Consulate.

Long stay visa

This visa for those who want careless and do not think about how to live in Taail from 3 months to 1 year. It is drawn up at the Consulates of Thailand in the cities of Russia and CIS countries: Moscow (ul. Bolshaya Spasskaya, 9), St. Petersburg (Big Prospekt, d. 9), Vladivostok (Ul. Shchedrin, 10), Yerevan (Baghamyn Avenue, 4/1), Kiev (Bazhan Avenue, 12a), Tashkent (ul, Khurshid, 1 A).

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Requirements for documents Conventional and their list can be viewed on the Internet: certificates, photos, payments from a bank account and a passport with a period of at least six months, and if you apply for an annual, then the requirements for the passport period increases.

On the website of the consulate in Moscow there is evidence that the visa is issued per day. Practice confirms this period, but perhaps waiting in 2 or 3 days.

Cost of visas: For three months of stay you need to pay 2400 rubles; And for the annual - 6000 rubles.

Student visa (student)

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This type of visa has also been tightening. Previously, everything was easier: you find courses in Tae (most often Language), we pay training, they send the necessary package of documents that are transmitted to the embassy and get a cherished stamp. Most often, after receiving a visa (usually for a year, or even more) about courses, they usually forgotten and everyone satisfied this: Thais received money and did not do anything for it, and we received a visa without any problems. But now the situation has changed. Already several of my familiar was denied a student visa, even when granting a full package of documents and checks from the language school. And the schools themselves now require a mandatory daily visit.

Pension visa

Thailand is a paradise country where you just want to meet old age. And here the Government of Taya goes to meet, opening the friendly arms of pensioners from around the world. This is due to the fact that all other types of visas for relatively young people who want to work in Thailand, and according to the laws, a foreigner has no right to work. But the pensioner of the bread in the form of earnings from Thai will not take away, even on the contrary, it will only spend money. Therefore, the pension visa today is very in demand.

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For obtaining it is necessary to be older than 50 years and not to have a conviction. It is enough for you to open an account in the Thai bank and put 800,000 baht there (thereby confirming my controlility). A visa is issued in three months without any dealers for a period of 1 year. Money from the account can be started to spend immediately after receiving a visa, the main thing is that in a year on the score, when the visa is extended, there was the same amount.

As you can see, the variants of the legitimate stay in Thailand mass. You only need to decide what exactly is suitable for your status and your requests. The most important thing is not to violate the visa regime and comply with the rules of staying in this wonderful country of smiles - Thailand.

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