Features of the rest in Ayuttay


If you are planning a trip to Thailand and are not going to sit in one place by the sea, it doesn't matter, you are going to Pattaya, in Bangkok, Huahin, one of the places that you need to visit in Thailand, any tourist is the ancient capital of the kingdom - a city with destroyed temples Aytytnaya .

It is about 70 km from Bangkok and get here independently will not be difficult. From the Victory Monument station in Bangkok daily, a minibus runs several times a day, the passage of which will cost you no more than 60 baht in one direction, while traveling time is about an hour.

Upon arrival in Auttai, you can rent a motorbike or bike and yourself to drive around all the sights of the Old Town, which is a lot of here. The cost of transport rental for the whole day is quite small: a bike - 50 baht, motorbike - 200-250 baht. If you do not want to spend the forces in search of the main attractions, you can agree with the driver of the Tuk-Tuka, he will drive you through all tourist sites. Payment, most likely will be hourly.

You can also buy a tour of Bangkok tourist offices or neighboring cities. The tour of Pattaya in Auttai will cost about 2500-3000 baht, but you will have a Russian guide that can tell a lot of interesting things.

Ayuttaya is not a city for recreation. There are no beaches, the sea (but there is a river), a developed tourist infrastructure, and, in general, in addition to the inspection of the ancient temples, there is nothing to do here. But spending 1-2 days on excursions on them, you will be impressed. These are really great places for walking, photographs and dating with the culture of ancient Siam.

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Some temples are almost completely destroyed, arranged along the roads, the entrance is free. Although in the main popular temples, the entry cost is quite small - from 20 to 50 baht. On the territory of the temples, even when walking among the ruins, there will be well-kept lawns, clean tracks and intuitive routes. Around some temples - broken cozy parks with ponds and paths in the shade of trees. For example, in the popular temples Wat Yai Chaya Mongkol or Wat Maha That, in which the Buddha head in the root of the tree is located.

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There are no special entertainment, except for the inspection of temples, there is no in Auttai, although here you can ride on elephants. Elephants will drive you straight on the road - a sufficiently unusual sight, and you will be enough impressions from such skating.

It is necessary to go to Auttai, especially if you are interested in history, destroyed temples, Buddhist culture. Yes, and just for beautiful photos on the background of the ruins or a huge statue of the lying Buddha. Children, most likely on such an excursion will be boring, as children's entertainment here, of course, no.

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