Features of rest in Marfe


For many years, Malta is famous for not only rich history and attractions, but also with its magnificent resorts. On the island is always warm and almost no precipitation. However, the air has increased humidity.

In the northern part of the island there is one of the most famous Maltese resort regions. Name of this region - Marfa (Marfa). Actually, this is such a small peninsula in the north of the island, which includes several small villages, including Chirkev. The territory is occupied, mainly by groves, forest stairs, country houses and agricultural land. The only way to Marfu with civilization passes through Mellih, rich in front of this Bay Melliha Bay.

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Although in all guidebooks and write that Martha is located "in the vicinity of Valettes", in fact it is not quite so.

Yes, indeed, 25 kilometers of remoteness from the capital Malta - the distance is completely small. But not by the standards of this tiny state. In relation to Valletta, Martha is generally at the other end of the island! And get here from Valletta only in theory easily and close. In fact, the road is narrow and winding, passes through several settlements and there are no signs everywhere. Yes, and the quality of the road cover is not everywhere European level.

At the same time, Marfa is one of the most popular resorts in Malta. Basic Plus Resort - Sand Beaches What is the rarity on the island. Here the entire coastal strip in most deserts is not enlarged, but partially covered as it were "splashes" of natural sandy beaches (Paradise Bay, Ramla Bay, Armier Bay, Ramla Tal-Qortin, Ramla Tal-Torri). Ramla Tal-Qortin Bay Beach, named after the ridge, at the foot of which is located, has a rocky approach and a little inconvenient. Vacationers usually prefer the neighboring Armor Bay. Another small sandy beach at the end of the Ramla belongs to hotels located there.

By the way, the Beach MELLIEHA BAY can also be conditionally attributed to the Martha's resort area, as Mellich Bay is like the border between Martha and Melloi. And the beaches of Martha - the only place in Malta, consisting of the purest golden sand. It is this area that is ideal for recreation with children. And adults on the local beautiful beaches will be more than comfortable. By the way, most of the rest of the beaches of the island are stony and are poorly suitable for a normal rest.

Another advantage of Martha is that this resort is far from the noise of large cities, surrounded by stunning natural landscapes and clean air. Here life flows measured and leisurely, without fuss. There are no nightclubs in the town, except for small cozy restaurants in close proximity to the sea. National Maltese cuisine with an abundance of seafood dishes, a pleasant breeze, a surf whisper, the singing of the cicade. Pure relax. That is why it is an ideal place for those who want to spend time with their family.

Here we are always glad to tourists and can offer rest on any wallet. Vacationers are available hotels and hotels for every taste, cheap hostels and luxury comfortable luxury villas. As a rule, hotels provide transfer from the airport.

But! Marfa is unlikely to be interesting for young people, as nightlife here is connected with a quiet sleep. All fashionable nightclubs and discos are located in the Saint Giuulians area, and a stormy and merry night can only be held there. And this is almost 20 kilometers away.

Marfa is still considered a good place for diving, in the waters of the bays there are many interesting points for diving. The best, perhaps, is considered the place called "Marfa Point". There are two underwater caves and two tunnels. In one of the caves you can see the statue of Madonna almost in a natural value, and one of the tunnels resembles the Latin letter "L". I myself am not a diver and exact location "Marfa Point" I do not know, but I am sure that the hotel's guide will tell you. Also quite close to Martha, next to the Island of St. Paul is the statue of Jesus Christ. Now this figure weighing 13 tons installed at a depth of ten meters. It looks fascinating. And very close to the figure of Jesus, there is a flooded old ferry, which once transported people between Malta's Islands and Gozo. And all the divers must remember the local laws, according to which the finds are forbidden to export outside the state.

What else will be pleased with Martha? From any point of the north-west coast, scenic views on the islands of Gozo and Comino are opened.

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Here, in Chirkev, in the most extreme point of Malta, ferries go to the island of Gozo (Gozo Ferries). From the same pier, you can swim on the boat to the island of Comino with its blue lagoon.

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I think you will not regret if Martha is the place of your holiday in Malta. Marfa is also attractive to the fact that here you can relax perfectly, unnecessarily without overloading yourself with a saturated excursion program. It has all the necessary conditions for a pleasant and quiet pastime, without straining. What else can residents of large cities and megacities can dream?

I will summarize.

Martha is ideal for recreation with children.

Go here a girl alone is absolutely safe, as in Malta there is no crime at all.

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