The most interesting places in Paphos.


Paphos is one of the tourist centers of Cyprus Island, so, of course, there are also a number of attractions that you can pay attention to.

First of all, I would like to tell about Archaeological park Paphos which is located near the port. Getting to it easier than simple - if you live near the port, you can walk to him, and if you are coming from somewhere, then keep in mind that from the bus station, where all buses arrive without exception buses to the park about five minutes - We just need to cross (or bypass) a large parking lot. Park is open from 8:30 am to 19:30 pm. The cost of the ticket is four and a half euros. At the entrance you will be issued a park scheme - it is in different languages ​​- including in Russian. The territory is quite large, so to get around all the objects, you will need at least one and a half - two hours. From visiting the park we had mixed impressions - on the one hand, there is something to see, on the other hand - in the park too hot. Unfortunately, it's not particularly anything to do nothing - at 8:30, when the park opens, the sun is already relatively high and pretty much (this is if you consider that not everyone wants to get up early in the morning and go to inspect the sights), and in the evening the sun It comes around at about 19:30, and after half an hour it becomes completely dark - nothing to see anything. We went to the park around 18:30, in my opinion, this is the optimal time of all possible options - at least, not so hot, as day, and after sunset you have about half an hour before the darkness when you can admire the antiquities , not extinguishing from the heat.

A little about the park itself - it presents a monument of different eras - there is an Hellenistic Roman period, the Roman period, the early Christian epoch, as well as Frankish and Ottoman periods. Of all the buildings presented in the park, separately I would single out the so-called houses of Dionysus, Orpheus, Teresa and Eona - they are presented with beautiful mosaics that can really admire.

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In addition, there are brief explanations there. The largest collection is presented in the House of Dionysus. Forum and Askeyyon remained from the Roman period. Of course, they are already in a dilapidated state, but look anyway curious. Separately, I would still stop in the catacombs left from the early Christian period - this is the catacombs of St. Lambrianos, as well as the Catacombs of the Holy Solomonia. Nobody will advise to enter there - they smell very badly, as some people use them as a public restroom. We did not even go there, feeling it.

In general, the park is rather curious, lovers of antiquities stands there to look there. The territory is quite large, so we take enough time to it. From indisputable advantages I can note the presence of paths for the disabled, which can inspect some of this complex. In addition, the output is very convenient - these are rotating grilles, through which you can only go out, which, of course, are open within 24 hours - you can stay in the park at least to late night and at any moment freely exit. There are several outlets from the park, so it is absolutely optionally to return to the entrance. In my opinion, this is a very thoughtful decision, it was very comfortable to walk around the territory, without thinking about how much we need to return to get out.

Next I would like to tell a little about Tomb kings . They are on the outskirts of Paphos, from the port to go somewhere around half an hour on foot (but it is more convenient to take the bus number 615, which departs from the bus station). The tomb of the kings is a necropolis, in which, allegedly, buried noble citizens. Unfortunately, the tombs have long been looted long ago, so no utensils left there. The tombs also have a rather large territory (although, of course, less than the archaeological park), so that it is necessary to take at least an hour. The entrance will cost you two and a half euros per person. Honestly, the ties seemed to me boring - this is a large complex, where, in principle, every tomb is very similar to the previous one. There are plates with schemes - where the remains of a person were located, where there was a well for ritual ablution, etc. So, this scheme is constantly repeated, since all the burials are the same type. The only thing that luxurious tombs with columns and mosaic are presented a little further. In my opinion, this attraction for an amateur. From the advantages - the exit there is equipped with the same as from the archaeological park - you can go out at any time. Opening hours are also the same: from 8:30 to 19:30.

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There is in Paphos and Archaeological Museum which is located quite far from the sea and from the port, in the so-called upper city. His address is Avenue Georgiu Mane Digenya, d. 43. The museum collection is located in five halls, in which the views of various era - neolithic, bronze century, Hellenism, the Roman period, the Byzantine Empire are presented to the attention of visitors, and Middle Ages. Most of the exhibits were found on the territory of Paphos and its surroundings. In my opinion, the museum is more focused on the lovers of archeology and antiquities.

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For people interested in Orthodox culture, will probably be interesting Byzantine Museum of the Sacred Metropolis of Paphos - It is located on Andrea John, d. 5. It presents Cypriot Orthodox icons (there are more than a hundred there). Honestly, we were not in this museum, but I believe that certain groups of people will curious there.

Thus, we see that in Paphos, most of the attractions are closely connected with the history of the city itself, so the city will surely have to taste to lovers of antiquities, as well as Greco-Roman history.

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