What time is it better to rest in Vorokhta?


When is the holiday season in Vorokhte?

The most important vacation and season in Vorokhe happens, naturally, in winter and summer. In the spring and autumn time, often rainy, cool and no snow.

What month is best suitable for recreation and why?

I do not judge what season is the best. Everyone can determine it alone. Someone very much like summer Carpathians, for example, for me the summer period in Vorokhte - the best season, it is a hike in the mountains, the collection of forest berries, mushrooms, warm sun and a minimum of clothing. True often need raincoats, warm sweatshirts, the second pair of sneakers, because First wet. In the spring, you can make a rafting on the mountain river or go to Veloproogulka. The choice of season is an amateur and it all depends on how who wishes to hold rest. But even those who rested here in the winter, the summer season liked more with his magic nature, hill over the ground, fresh air and tranquility. This is definitely worth going to search for harmony. And the locals will be able to help this. Looking at their dimension, I want to interrupt the hurry yourself in your life and stop to feel a moment.

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What time is it resting in a cheaper?

Summer recreation is available to almost anyone, housing in the same conditions is two times cheaper, moving between cities on public transport Cheap, food affordable, and sometimes completely free (if you collect berries or apples). All sorts of entertainment, souvenirs, also at quite reasonable prices.

Winter Carpathian Holidays is mostly a trip for skiing, snowboarding and this cost is not enough of the cheap. In addition to the double price of accommodation, compared to the summer period, there are still costs of renting equipment, costumes, subscriptions, the cost of rolled products on the lifts.

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And if you plan to schedule a new year's meeting here, it will become a peak of the season.

When is it better to go to rest with a child?

With children will be easier to relax in the summer. Most parents do not have experiences that the kid will freeze, gets sick, will be careful. However, this factor depends entirely on parents. In this case, rest will be comfortable both in the winter and summer. In the summer, many families with children rose on Goverlo. And to communicate with their parents, family harmony is immediately felt. It's nice when the son with his father go and discusses the simplest things, waiting for a restful mother, and no one cares for anyone, does not indicate where to go where it is not to go, which can be touched and what is not. From this, the family and a full-fledged family vacation begins.

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