Burma, we will refer to sure !!!


At the end of winter, it was possible to go to Asia, chose Myanmar with a friend, there the hot period begins in February. I flew to Yangon through Bangkok, the visa did the visa. We reserved a modest double room in Mk Hotel, which is attracted by the fact that the new, with free numbers there were no problems, is located in the central area of ​​Yangon, which makes it possible to plunge into the real life of Burma, and Wi-Fi is free in the room that it is important for me . The cost of the room is a little more than $ 100 per day with breakfast. Money was worn with them, as they walked a lot about theft in hotels. It is advisable to have a dollar smaller on your arms, in many tourist places prices are in dollars for tourists. And, in general, dollars at the normal course can be changed at the airport or in banks in the city.

I liked the hotel, comfortable, everything is clean, new, helpful personnel, speaks English well. For breakfast there are dishes and local cuisine and more European, who, what to taste. At half an hour of an interesting walk in the city, a large shopping center - the Scott Market Market. There you can buy anything and prices are lower than in the city. And it is possible to eat there, full of different cafes with local food, acute, however, washed away by local beer, normal completely. You can eat for about two about 15-20 dollars. Bucked souvenirs, a couple of boxes, jade merchants and for a gift.

The Swedagon Pagoda was a 10-minute walk.

Burma, we will refer to sure !!! 12139_1

Burma, we will refer to sure !!! 12139_2

The cost of visiting is $ 8. This temple must be visited, there you can make a desire that should be fulfilled. This is an impressive golden temple, there are no indoors in it. It rises above the city and is surrounded by a whole complex of small temples, pagodas, all this is decorated with different sculptures, figures, it is impossible to describe, it is necessary to see. A very unusual building, stunning and in the afternoon, sparkles in the sun and in the evening, with backlight.

They still went to the crocodile farm, as without it, there are crocodiles, you can feed fish, watch them from the bridges. The entrance is cheap seems to be a dollar.

Interesting for the sake rose by train around Yangon, the outskirts of dirty, poverty and rushing, after the temples and the center, the impression of depressing.

After the night bus went to Bagan, they stopped there in an excellent hotel, have breakfast and went with an English-speaking guide for a walk through the Temple Complex. Very many temples, several hours of impressions and we went to the hotel. The next day, according to Plan there was a ride from Bagan to Mandalay on the ship.

In Mandalay, in an inexpensive hotel, slightly rested and took a taxi for a whole day for $ 40, with a visit to Sagaine, Inva, Aramapura, where artisans make gold plates, and lacquer caskets, bought one already for $ 50, and in the evening Mandalay Puppet Theater.

Back we drove, burdened with impressions and souvenirs, and gave themselves the word again to go to Burma, especially the trip was not expensive, the most expensive hotel was in Yangon, and in other cities, we shot numbers up to $ 30. Burma, we will refer to sure !!!

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