Rest in Vienna: Prices


Oh Vienna, take me back! This is an incredible city, with an incredible atmosphere! Many veins are associated with Waltz. Yes, really Vienna is the capital of the Waltz, but it is still famous for Opera, museums, monuments, cafes, delicious coffee and of course the most famous and delicious Viennese cake Zaher.

Rest in Vienna: Prices 12138_1

In Vienna, we with my husband in the literal sense of the word, began the second honeymoon and we like newly lines, walked through the streets, smiled, kissed and held hands. It is a pity that such a romantic attitude had to be interrupted due to the fact that it was necessary to return home, because our favorite son was waiting for us at home. Incredible impressions of this journey, remained in my memory.

Rest in Vienna: Prices 12138_2

If you have not yet been in this amazing city, I strongly advise on mandatory, visit the capital of Waltz and Opera. It is better for the trip to choose time or late in spring or early in autumn. We traveled in May. Do you know why? Winters in a snow vein, and the summer, on the contrary, can be very hot.

Rest in Vienna: Prices 12138_3

My wife and I travel quite a lot and I started a notebook, in which I record prices for foods, souvenirs, transport, in general, with everything we are confronted on the trip. In my opinion, it is very convenient, because it is in this way in the future, to compile an approximate budget of the upcoming trip. Vienna in my notebook, took its honorable place and today I want to share my observations and with you. Let's start?

Rest in Vienna: Prices 12138_4

Vienna - Prices in supermarkets

- one liter of milk, costs 0.8 euros or thirty nine rubles;

- loaf of bread delicious and incredibly fragrant, costs 1.6 euros or seventy eight rubles;

- Dozen eggs, worth two euros;

- kilogram of butter, costs from six to eight euro;

- Chicken breasts, stand eight euros per kilogram;

- one kilogram of buoy, it costs fifteen euros;

- Sausage Austrian, worth ten euros;

- sausage salami, worth thirty euros, but it is the highest quality;

- a kilogram of fresh fish, costs from thirteen to fifty euros, and everything depends on the fish itself directly;

- Chicken chicken, costs from seven to ten euros;

- Pork meat Filena part, costs from six to seven euros per kilogram;

- one kilogram of apples, costs two euros;

- Mandarins, oranges and pineapples, stand from two to three euros per kilogram;

- a kilogram of raspberries or strawberries, costs from seven to eight euros;

- Potato costs one euro per kilogram;

- Sweet pepper, costs two euros per kilogram;

- Wine costs from four to eight euros per bottle;

- 0.5 beer, costs from 0.8 euros to two euros;

- Putting cigarettes, there are four euros on average.

Rest in Vienna: Prices 12138_5

Vienna - Budget Snack

- Tight lunch bundled with beer, in the usual cafe will cost at twenty-five euros;

- Tasty and satisfying, you can dine in fastfood. The price of such a not quite useful lunch, starts from eight euros and ends with ten euros;

- drink a cup of aromatic coffee in a cafe, you can maximum for three euros;

- Beer in beer in the number of one liter, costs from two to five euros.

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Vienna - Prices in the Beer Restaurant

- The main dish in which the Schnitzel is included, Goulash or Fried Pork and Garnish, costs six and a half euros;

- soup without any beams, costs two euros;

- Salad ordinary vegetable, costs two euros;

- dessert, such as strudel, costs four euros;

- A cup of cappuccino, costs three euros;

- tea, costs 2.7 euros;

- A glass of beer 0.5 costs from three to four euros.

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Vienna - prices in the usual restaurant

- breakfast, costs from eight to fourteen euros;

- Smoked salmon and toast with butter, it is fourteen euros;

- Roll from ham stuffed with French salad, costs eight and a half euros;

- Tartar beef with egg boiled and toasts with butter, it is fourteen euros;

- Viennese broth with meat, dumplings, liver and noodles, costs eight euros;

- Goulash soup, costs seven euros;

- Schnitzel appetizing golden brown color with greens and potatoes, costs twenty euros;

- Chicken cooked in fryer, incredible golden color, with greens, potatoes and salad, costs seventeen euros;

- Gulyash, it costs fifteen and a half euros;

- pancakes with apple mousse and cream compote, stand nine euros;

- hot chocolate, costs 4.7 euros;

- tea, costs 4.8 euros.

Do not buy the famous cake Zaher at the airport, since in Vienna itself, the price is twice as lower. One kilogram of this pleasure can be bought for twenty-nine euros.

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Vienna - Prices for clothes

- Jeans, stand from eighty to one hundred euros;

- Summer dress, you can buy from twenty-five to eighty euros;

- sneakers, stand from eighty to one hundred euros;

- Male shoes, stand from fifty to one hundred euros.

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Vienna - prices for excursions

- A sightseeing tour of the city, a duration of three and a half hours, costs twenty-five euros. The tour program includes visiting such places as the Schonbrunn Palace, which is the former residence of the Royal House of Habsburgs, as well as a walk through Ringstrasse, because there are all the most interesting sights of Vienna;

Rest in Vienna: Prices 12138_10

- Excursion to the Vienna Forest, three and a half hours lasting, costs twenty-five euros. During the excursion, we have our own eyes, we saw the Vienna Forest, Helenthan, Liechtenstein Castle, Baden, Cistercian Abbey of the Holy Cross and Underground Lake Zeegenhtte;

Rest in Vienna: Prices 12138_11

- Excursion to Vahau Valley, lasting seven hours, costs fifty euros. The excursion is very interesting and on it should not save, because there is a unique opportunity to see and visit the ancient castles, one of which is Durinstein. You just imagine that this particular castle was once a dungeon for the famous and brave richard a lion's heart. You can also see Benedictine Abbey Melk, which is a pearl of the sophisticated architectural style - the Austrian Baroque. And during the excursion, we made a walk on the Danube from Chalk to Dürnstein. I did not even notice how these seven o'clock were flying, it was so interesting;

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- Three-hour tour of the night Vienna, costs twenty-five euros. I advise you not to regret money, and see the real magic - Vienna in elegant lights and magnificent buildings with amazing illumination.

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