Where to go to Simferopol and what to see?


Simferopol - cozy city. This is just a station, especially in summer, may seem mad hives. The city itself can please the narrow streets with shady trees, shops where you can buy local sweet pastries, and parks. It is pleasant to notice that in the past few years (somewhere since 2010), the city has been very updated, there are neat recluses, lights, blocks - in general, zones that can please the tourists.

Local transport I did not like - the crush, the heat. Where nicer was walking on foot. But it is best to watch the city, sowing on Trolleybus to Yalta. He drives many old buildings, churches, educational institutions (it is interesting to look at their students, including many Muslims - girls wear scarves, so they are noticeable ... Personally it is unusual for me, and therefore it is interesting).

Simferopol is difficult to call the resort town, because he is very far from here. For most it is a transshipment point. Someone goes to the beaches of Alushta or Yalta, and someone - to the Angarsk pass to go there with a backpack or a bike. But if you want to have fun here or kill a couple of hours, you can go to Gagarin Park , he is close to the station. Of course, you can go to the theater - for adults or children, but there are no idea there every hour, and the park is always open.

Where to go to Simferopol and what to see? 12110_1

The park is very large. Here you and the river (small, "dressed" into stone shores), and lakes with catamarans, and a playground, and attractions. The last two points, however, quite faded. But in the amusement park, we liked the ferris wheel - an old one (it remembers me another five-year plan, and now I already have such children), but it can be admired by the city. There is nothing like that of a playground, all figures on which from the "grass", such as an artificial coating on football fields.

At the weekend there are many people, especially closer to the evening. But on weekdays you can wander, enjoying calmness. True, the same catamarans can not be found (by the way, this is not the most reliable transportation, under the bridge it can be thrilled). But feed the ducks. And if you like to be photographed, you can find a beautiful bridge over the river.

Where to go to Simferopol and what to see? 12110_2

Well, and youth must be found Forged sculpture park (Located in Dybenko's Square). He is somewhat Gothic-rocker, and all the figures are copyrighted, the gift of local Kuznetsov-Cleells. There are no more than anywhere!

Where to go to Simferopol and what to see? 12110_3

And if your "youth" is still looking for "Luntik", reduce your little tourists in Children's Park . Here you can look at the epic Pushkin heroes, as well as living turtles in the aquarium, or animals in the zoo.

Where to go to Simferopol and what to see? 12110_4

Amusement and the ferris wheel here too. From the Gagarin Park, it is 2 km somewhere, so without local transport can not do. But next to the children's park - Chocolate Museum . There is not hot (so that chocolate figures do not melted), but on the type of chocolate portraits or towers, a terrible appetite can be raised. But at the exit you can buy a sweet souvenir.

Where to go to Simferopol and what to see? 12110_5

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