How much money do you need to rest in Cyprus?


Rest in Cyprus is a pretty prices in Europe preferably. That is why the island attracts an incredible number of tourists per season. I would like to detail in more detail on all the costs of expenses that can expect you in Cyprus.

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Flight and accommodation

These costs were merged by me into one, since the vast majority of tourists from Russia for recreation in Cyprus use the services of tour operators, which offer the so-called "package" tours - there enters the flight, accommodation in the hotel selected category with selected power type, as well as transfer From / to the airport.

As everywhere, in Cyprus there is a high season - that is, the season when resting the most, and all prices increase - this is, of course, August. There is a lower season that is still suitable for a beach holiday - this is June, July, prices these months are smaller than in August. One of the cheapest months suitable for swimming is September, prices are becoming less than about a third. In Cyprus, you can relax all year round, but in the fall, in the winter and early spring it is impossible to bathe - the water is too cold, therefore lovers of sightseeing recreation come to Cyprus. Prices in the low season are even lower than in September and early summer, since hotels are not fully filled.

We traveled to Cyprus in August, for two weeks, in a four-star hotel with breakfasts - a ticket cost us 92 thousand for two. The 3-star hotels were part of 70-95 thousand, 4 stars for 85 - 110 thousand, 5 stars - from 110 thousand and higher. In fairness it is worth noting that we bought a ticket 10 days before departure, it is likely that an early booking costs much cheaper.


You can move around the island in several ways - on buses, by taxi, as well as on a rented car. We used a bus and taxis, because on vacation did not want to get driving behind the wheel and understand the left-sided movement.


A one-time bus ticket in Cyprus costs a half euros, payment is made by the driver, enter everything through the front door. To stop the bus, you need to click on the Red Stop button in the cabin. If there are no people at the stop, and no one clicked on the stop, the driver will not stop. After 11 pm, the price of a trip increases - the ticket will cost you 2, 5 euros. In addition, there is something type of travel - for several trips per day or a week, but since we drove infrequently, we decided to do with disposable tickets.


Some taxis in Cyprus go to the meter, but very often drivers prefer to simply negotiate with passengers about the price - for example, they often drive up to stops where people are waiting for the bus and offer them to cooperate and get to the right place to all together. As a rule, this price will be lower than the counter, naturally, you can bargain. For a trip from the hotel to the port in Paphos, we paid 8-euro, the trip took about 10-15 minutes, we drove the bus longer - 15-20 minutes. If you ride the three of the third - the price is quite comparable to the bus price.

Rental car

As I mentioned above, we did not take a car for rent, but you saw a lot of offers - a class A car (that is, a small car) will cost you from 30 euros per day, a golf car will cost you from 45-50 euros per day and so on Infinity. In general, rental prices are rather low. Of course, there you need to add gasoline and insurance. Movement in Cyprus is left-sided, which creates certain difficulties for drivers from other countries. That is why the numbers of all rented red cars - so other drivers can immediately distinguish them in the stream and be more attentive.


Food in Cyprus is very tasty and rather inexpensive - at the same time, the portions are just huge. We eat not so much, so two salad took two salad and one hot and then overtook. Based on this, you can approximately calculate the amount you need to go. I will give the prices that we saw, dining and dinner in middle restaurants - not quite cheap eaters, but not in luxurious restaurants. However, most restaurants and taverns in Cyprus are just the same and belong to average.

Salad will cost you about 4-7 euros, it costs from 10 to 15 euros - the cheapest will cost Spaghetti, just more expensive - meat and Musaka, the fish and seafood will be most expensive - from about 15 to 20 euros for a portion. Prices for desserts begin from 5 euros and rarely exceed 10. Drinks are quite expensive (relative to all prices) - fresh juice, for example, will cost you at 2, 5 -4 euros per glass, juices from packages are slightly cheaper - 2-2, 5 euros . Alcoholic cocktails stand from 4 to 12 euros per a glass - it all depends on the composition. The price of wine glasses ranges from 3 to 5 euros. In general, we spent about 30 euros for dinner somewhere around 30 euros for two, based on the fact that we took one salad, one hot for two, as well as drinks and sometimes dessert.

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We arrived in Cyprus with a tour operator, who, of course, offered my excursions, however, based on your previous travel experience, we ordered excursions from the tour operator, whose office we found in the port of Paphos - Rusland. Prices were distinguished for the better - the excursions were one and a half - two times cheaper.

On average, the excursion will cost you 20-35 euros (I mean an organized excursion on a large bus, which is closed by 55 people). Excursions on minibuses (up to 20 people), of course, more expensive. Not in all trips included lunch, so in some places you have to pay extra for the food or take something with you.

Beach and entertainment

In Cyprus, as on any popular beach resort, there are water entertainment. The prices for them are significantly lower than in Europe - the banana trip will cost you 10 euros, on an extreme "flying fish" in 20 euros, renting a hycrocker for 20 minutes costs 50 euros.

On the beach, you may need to rent sun beds and umbrellas - we usually rested on two beaches near Paphos - on Coral Bay and on Corlia. Bay was a little more expensive - two sun beds with an umbrella worth 7, 5 euros, on the coral - 6 euros.

In Paphos, there is a water park - entrance tickets there are quite expensive (by local standards) - 30 euros per person, but a free shuttle walks to the water park, which stops in some hotels.


Prices for souvenirs on the island are slightly different from European - as well as in Cyprus, they are a little cheaper. The set of them in general is not different from the standard. Bottle of Cypriot Wine Kamandaria cost us in 12 euros, a set of sweets in 9 euros, local production cream - in 7 euros, the prices for magnets are ordinary - 1, 5 - 3 euros. For small souvenirs, relatives, as well as to themselves (wine, sweets, olive pasta, magnets) we spent about 60 euros. It is difficult to determine the specific amount for each individual person, so I would recommend that you proceed from the prices of the above described by me above.

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In general, on everything in Cyprus (dinners, dinners, travel, two excursions, riding on a banana and a hydrocycle, a little souvenirs) we spent about a thousand - thousands with a small euro for two (in two weeks). We did not save, dinner dinner in restaurants, but did not order / did not buy anything particularly expensive. Just with a ticket, we spent about 140 thousand rubles for rest for two.

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