Sharm el-Sheikh - desert flower


I happened to rest in all the famous Sharm el-Sheikh. It was my first overseas trip, the money for which was going throughout the year and, of course, the expectations were the sea. I will give up the stories about the first flight by plane, I will start with the first impression from Sharma.

We flew to there in February, when there were luxury frosts at home. Going out from the aircraft, felt the unusual heat and grazing on her face, a strong wind blew. There was a late evening, we were brought to the hotel, fed dinner and the impressions ended on this day.

The next morning, waking up and breakfast, we went to the beach. The hotel was on the second line and to the beach it was necessary to go for 15 minutes. The road was exciting, because on the way it was possible to see a piece of life of local residents

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Interesting Fish Monument

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, a huge number of palm trees and hurrying to the sea of ​​tourists.

I would like to note that in February in Sharm el-Sheikh very windy and therefore even during the day with a 30-degree heat, on the beach is cool.

The Red Sea was pleasantly surprised, gently blue color smoothly switched to dark blue.

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, the sea is almost no storm

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The abundance of various fish is impressive. Moreover, they are all bright, multicolored is a paradise for diving. But there are also unpleasant moments in this fish kingdom - these are maritime hedgehogs. You need to be extremely careful and enter the water only in special shoes. Since accidentally coming on hedgehog, you can earn an inflamed wound.

Entertainment in Sharma is not very much. The most basic is diving. We were taken away from the shore away from the coast, they conducted instructing, they gave out equipment and everyone began to master the water world. For those who suffer from maritime disease, and such people are 80 percent, I do not even advise you to close to the yacht. I enter this number and this day I remembered forever. I learned that the storm can not only the sea, but also my body. I did not dive and therefore remained only to admire the expanses as far as it was possible.

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Another entertainment is a boat riding with a transparent bottom. Again in order to consider residents of the abyss.

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The first 10 minutes is interesting, the rest of the hour is bored with monotony.

Being in Egypt and not to visit the desert it seemed wrong and we went to ride quadzchas and camels in the desert. The stone desert and in it darkly darkens.

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The camels are very high and when you're riding, he sits out of side to side, it seems that you will fall.

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Bedouins live in the desert, they earn a living in tourists.

In Sharm el-Sheikh, there is central street - Naama Bay, a huge number of hotels, restaurants are concentrated on it. One restaurant stands out, it is completely from ice. I go there, give warm clothes and pour a alcoholic warming drink.

Sharm is an interesting resort, but it is better to fly there, not in our winter, since sharp drops of temperatures affect then well-being.

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