What should you expect from rest in Adelaide?


The southern part of Australia is just beautiful, actually, like her capital - a charming city called Adelaide. The impeccable layout of the facilities of the city and the approximate purity of urban streets is a business card of the city, so the stay here is not only pleasant, but also comfortable. There are several skyscrapers in the city, as well as a small number of multi-storey buildings, but mostly there are one-storey buildings or two-story buildings, which look very carefully and exquisitely.

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Adelaide differs from Perth with beautiful beaches and natural beauty, though, in Perth more architectural buildings and monuments, so, here, as a soul, as a comparison is simply inappropriate. Soft, warmer climate with short winters and arid summer, allows you to make romantic walks along the ocean coast. But, despite this, the water temperature is quite cool throughout the season, because cold flows, wash coastal zones are not replaced by warm. The water temperature in the summer reaches only +18 degrees. The gap from October to April to April, here is called Australian spring, in summer and autumn - this is the most favorable time to visit not only Adelaide, but also the whole part of the country.

The abundance of restaurants here is simply awesome, so tourists will be able to find all the most popular cuisines in the world: Italian, Greek, Spanish and others. Since it is very warm here, then you can sit down in small open summer cafes, which prepare not only wonderful dishes, but also offer a good wine card. After all, you should not forget that the chic string Valley of the Barososs is located in the Adelaide, producing excellent wines.

I really liked the traditional dessert, which can be ordered, in almost any institution of the city - Lamington. This crisp biscuit, which is slightly watered with chocolate and sprinkle with coconut chips - very tasty.

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But, I'm not only a sweet tooth, but not vegetarian, so I love meat dishes too. Of course, in the city of great popularity, especially among tourists, bifhtexes from kangaroo meat, as well as seafood and fish dishes. But I can say that Kenguryatina is very similar to the chicken and a bit stiff, so it is better to order a lamb meat, which is preparing just great.

In addition, many extraordinary products can be purchased in the market of delicacies, which is also pretty visiting during the entire working day. And, even if you do not like or do not want to cook on vacation, which is quite explained, then right on the market you can spend a tasting dishes of exotic cuisine, and just have a good time.

I was struck by Adelaide and his sights, since the city perfectly combines architectural buildings, monuments and nature, which is very important personally for me. A large number of museums is devoted to culture and cultural heritage of indigenous people, and the local residents themselves are very respectful about such things. For example, in the Southavralia Museum you can see permanent exhibitions that are associated with Aboriginal Garna, and in the Institute of Aboriginal Culture, you can see entire ideas with national dances and songs.

The northern terrace is a bright representative of the cultural life of the city, since here is the picture gallery, the center of the arts, the Parliament building and the State Library. In the eastern part of this area, tourists can visit the National Center for Winemaking, and an excellent botanical garden. An excellent addition to such a cultural diversity is numerous parks and gardens, such as Morialta, Cleland, Warrawong Reserve and Belair Park. It is here that you can come with the whole family, because Koala, Kangaroo, and the rich floral world will appeal to everyone. Adelaide's Zoo and Zoo and a panda-tour can even get acquainted with these, now, very popular animals.

Located between the Strait of Saint Vincent and the Mountain of the Lofty, in the northern part of the Flero Peninsula, Adelaide is very beautiful as a whole. Previously, jungle and impassable forests were here, but it was even before the foundation of the settlements and the city itself. Today, the remains of trees who have already been many thousands of years, are in the Reserves of Clelyand and Belier Park. A lot of rivers flows through the city territory, the largest of which is oncaparing, on the waters of which can often meet beautiful black swans.

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As for shopping, there are simply a huge number of places in which you can choose anything. But the true pride of the Adelaide is considered the Giant Rand-Moll Shopping Center, which offers everything from the trifles and products, to expensive boutiques with designer clothing. There is even a whole village for shopping in the city, in which there are antique shops and shops of different directions. Among souvenirs, original handmade products are very popular, such as boomerangs, copies, musical instruments, and so on.

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I really liked the sea vacation with entertainment, because the city is considered a whole temple of an active holiday. For example, in Belier and Clarend parks, there are whole sports departments, such as tennis courts, volleyball courts, basketball sites, etc. Alding, Moana, Kings Head, where you can not only take a walk on the boat, but also to see huge whales. For a family picnic, the hill is perfectly suitable, which is justified by a great observation deck. As you can see, Adelaide is a great place, worthwhile. And now a little about security, because there are many single among tourists.

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If you prefer to move around the city by car, then do not leave valuable things in it, as car thefts are most frequent here. As for walking, all areas are quite safe, except for the West Terrac, where there are quite scarce lighting and there is some insulation from other districts. In general, the city is quite friendly and rejoiced, so the rest at its expanses will definitely be unforgettable.

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