Prague is an excellent city for connoisseurs of charming antiquity.


Before you go to Prague, I did not specifically watched any guidebooks, articles and photos about this city so that no one affects my impressions. And since I did not know at all what to expect, I was constantly enthusiastic even the most insignificant things. Therefore, my review may seem unnecessarily praise or embellished, but I felt such feelings.

In Prague, my husband and I went along the tour, and stayed there a week. It was very rich, but at the same time stunning rest. We watched several attractions a day, leaving the hotel early in the morning and literally straining back to late evening. But all this was worth it.

When only arriving in Prague, it is immediately pleasant to amaze what the city has its own style. In the center everywhere, narrow streets, old, well-restored houses, sidewalks and even the road paved by a paving. There are almost no showing luxury on the buildings, but many details of the stucco, which gives the facilities a special charm. The circle is clean, and people move slowly and look friendly. And almost all houses have red tiled roofs. All this constitutes a unique, dear and having a look of the city.

Prague is an excellent city for connoisseurs of charming antiquity. 12043_1

In addition to hiking, it's great to look at Prague from a height. We admired the views of the red tiled roofs three times - from the Zizhkov Telbashni, from the Petrshinsky Tower and from the viewing platforms of Prague Castle. All levels of heights are different, as well as types, so we can safely walk through all the towers and climb on different high buildings (for example, to the Karlov Bridge Tower) - every time the Prague is seen from the other side.

Prague is an excellent city for connoisseurs of charming antiquity. 12043_2

In one day we visited the Prague Zoo, with a large variety of animals, and especially birds. The main advantage of this zoo is that in many cells you can go and look at animals without any obstacles.

Prague is an excellent city for connoisseurs of charming antiquity. 12043_3

In the city you can buy excursions to any places of interest at quite reasonable prices, but even without excursions to get there, where you need, will not be difficult. For example, we independently went to Cesky-Krumlov by bus. The only problem in this trip was to find a cashier that was hiding underground, right at the entrance to the metro station. Krumlov himself seems almost toy - the streets here are even less than in Prague, the houses are older, and the atmosphere is so benevolent that it is impossible not to fall in love with this place. In addition, it is truly fabulous, because there is a castle, in the 10th of which two bear lives. And there are very busy museums.

Prague is an excellent city for connoisseurs of charming antiquity. 12043_4

Prague is a unique and most beautiful city. The weeks turned out to be negligible to have time to see everything, and now I look forward to the next trip there.

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