Where is the best to stay in Cappadocia?


Cappadocia is not easy to Turkey's resort in the usual understanding, this is a rather extensive territory, which is literally at every step "Pivygovan" by cultural, historical and natural attractions.

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I will say right away that in a large account they are all relatively close to each other, but in order to really taste the capadokia in some towns it is better to live at least a couple of days.


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I started my acquaintance with Cappadocia from the city of Nevsehir. The fact is that most of the bus buses goes to this city. Therefore, he became the starting point of my journey through this unusual in all plans of the terrain.

Nevsehir can not be called a megapolis. About 70,000 people live here. But this is still a city with all attributes: gray faceless buildings, a large number of people and cars. I came to Nevsehir on Friday after lunch and spent thorough time to find a hotel. There were two problems: what I liked it was either expensive or there were no free numbers. And the fact that I did not like, oddly enough, it was expensive for my condition.

But I prescribed several hotels in advance, which I found on the Internet, where I liked the photo of the rooms, and the price. But having arrived in these hotels, I experienced shock: most of the numbers are punched, with dilapidated furniture and with signs of very long-standing repairs. After inspecting at least a dozen hotels, I decided to spend the night at the Seven Brothers Hotel (Hotel Seven Brothers).

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The room cost me 1500 rubles (although the price was just over 1000 in the reservation system), but as I was explained: then the Internet, and this is a reception.

You can only stop in Nevsehir, if there is a desire to visit the underground cities of troglodites (without any transplants) Derinka and kaymakly, wander around the city where there is a museum, an ancient fortress, a bunch of shops and catering points. But there is no colors of Cappadocia here, but there is a bus station, from where buses depart in different parts of this area every minute.


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In this town I lived for three days and, to be honest, it would be longer, but time was pressed. What a silence here! What kind of look here! I lived in a hotel cut into a rock - this particular type of housing is very popular in Cappadocia. The main attraction is a fortress.

My hotel was located right at the foot of this majestic facilities and every morning I had breathtaking from beauty. In the techism, there is absolutely no entertainment. Most cafes are closed for eleven in the evening. Prices for food, relatively nevechir higher. From the minuses, you can note the crowd of tourists who put the town in the afternoon, but in the evenings the city was in my complete disposal. To wander along the stone streets, admire the magnificent backlit, and in the morning to see an unforgettable spectacle - dozens of multi-colored balloons - it costs dear.

If you prefer silence, calm and you are not confused by the lack of entertainment - boldly choose an institution with the place of your deployment. Holders of hotels are very conspirassed and ready to bargain.

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In addition to the famous fortress from the scientiser, pleasure routes were laid through valleys to neighboring cities, including Görta.


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My most favorite place in Cappadocia was the city of the institution, but the overwhelming part of travelers and tourists with a larger hunting will be settled in Gorem. This is indeed the most preferred value for price / quality ratio. Everything has been connected here and batch tourists and independent: a large selection of hotels for every taste and wallet, entertainment, a variety of cafes and restaurants, discos and more.

With housing there are no problems here. The price per night in the hostel here starts with 300 rubles, and a good hotel can be found in the area of ​​900 rubles per person with breakfast.

You need to stop in the gayama and if you are going to attend various organized excursions: riding horses and quad bikes in valleys, flight in a balloon, etc. - all this will be much cheaper in the gayama and the reason is too big Competitions of sightseeing bureaus, which are very much here.

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In addition, Görema is located in close proximity to the main Christian attractions of Cappadocia: churches and monasteries with magnificent frescoes.


The very popular city of Cappadocia. True, the pricing policy here differs from Görem to the direction of increasing. This is a full city, along the streets of which is pleasant to walk, inspecting sights: the ruins of churches, tombs, mosques, museum. It can be said that the entire URGYUP is an open-air museum.

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Hotels in Scalah are also popular here, but the price tag for such accommodation starts with 2000 rubles. From cheap accommodation you can find small pensions on the price of 850 - 900 rubles per night per person.

In the Urgüpe, live expensive, but stops on the night there is still worth it. Especially if you are an amateur architecture and museums.

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Well, no need to forget that it is in the Urgüpe that is one of the most recognizable sights of Cappadocia - stone mushrooms or peribajalary.


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This is a city of artisans. There is something to do, but you should not stop more than at night. Although to someone like, because all people are different. The main problem of housing in Avanosé is hard to find the cave hotel. There are many hotels of the usual European plan and practically "no spirit" Cappadocia. If you manage to find the hotel cave, the price for it will be very bodies, about 3,000 rubles per night. Agree that after the above cities, it is quite inhuman prices. But the usual accommodation can be found in the area of ​​900 - 1000 rubles per person with breakfast.

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In Avanos, it makes sense to live if you are the admirer of handicraft art. Here you can not only buy handmade dishes, but also to master the pottery mastery. Also not far from Avanos is the city under Earth - Ozkonak and the Cave Church-Monastery of Bellha.


In the city of Konya, I completed my journey through Cappadocia. This is the main transport node, from here you can get to any point of Turkey (with transfers and without) on the aircraft, train and bus. Therefore, Konya and became the last point of my trip. Moreover, in the past, the territory of the modern city was periodically, it was part of Cappadocia.

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There is just a huge amount of housing. From very cheap boarding houses and gees to luxury hotels. I stopped at one's one night in the Deluxe Hotel's budgetary hotel for 700 rubles with breakfast. Small, but clean rooms and an excellent location - almost in the center.

If, honestly, I regretted a little about that too little time left for this city. There are many different attractions.

Traveling in Cappadocia, be sure to plan your route with departure from this city. First, it is convenient to leave for any type of transport. And secondly, this city deserves to be seen.

Well, among other things, it is in Kosier who passes the popular annual event. "Festival Dervysh".

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From 10 to 17 December, a huge number of people from all over the world go here to look at these fascinating dances. Keep in mind that at this time there may be problems with housing. It is praised as hot cakes even by transceiver prices, so it's better to take care of housing in advance.

In Cappadocia there is something to see and you need to "lay out" at least a week, so that at least somehow taste the local one without anything. Many types of housing (especially cheap) are not in the booking systems, some look completely different as in the pictures. I prefer to see what I pay money, so practically do not book hotels in advance. And I have never stayed sleeping outside.

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