When is it worth going to rest in Serengeti?


If you characterize the climate of Serengeti in a nutshell, then we can say that it is warm and dry. But there is here and the rainy season, about which we and her husband were warned in the travel agency. This warning turned out to be very relevant, since we planned a trip for April. In fact, this question was controversial for us, since I read a lot of information booklets and stuck your noses on the Internet, we accumulated the following.

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Rainy season in Serengeti lasts from March to May. There are also small rains in October and November. The best time to visit the Serengeti is the period from December to July, since at this time you can watch the antilopes of the GNU, and in the period from June to October, you can enjoy the appearance of the life of predators.

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His trip, we decided to transfer to May, and you know why? In the period of rains, you can observe the migration of animals from the southern plains, north and west. Stunning spectacle! But I want to prevent you about the weather. The day was warm enough, about twenty six degrees, but at night the temperature went down to thirteen, which was not too much a mezzan for me, nice.

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My husband and I did not take the warm clothes, because of what was hung on a warm climate. Maximum that we took, these are thin tracksuits, but they are not too big. According to the people who came here for no first time, we realized that such a strong drops between day and night temperatures, there is quite normal. I advise you to take this into account, and take with you on the road, at least one warm sweater complete with waterproof and unproduced windbreaker.

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