What are the interesting places worth visiting in Phnom Penh?


Cambodia is a long-suffering country. At the 20th century, perhaps the most difficult tests fell. Phnom Penh - the capital of the kingdom has repeatedly subjected to destruction. And today's city has little in common with the phnompene, which was called "Little Paris." The colonial architecture dreamed, the streets are filled with garbage, the circle is full of cripples and beggars. This is exactly what the narrowen tourist appears to come down from the bus. So he appeared in front of me.

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Phnom Penh? 11917_1

There is something to see in Phnompene, that's just to delay any desire in the city. My sightseeing program has been squeezed to one and a half days, which were very saturated.

A certain plan was scheduled in advance, but in the process he underwent some adjustment. The first two points of the mandatory visit were the fields of death and the Genocide Museum - terrible places, clearly demonstrating the recent past of Cambodian.

The Killing Fields. (Death fields) are fifteen kilometers southeast of Phnom Penh. After visiting this place, it is difficult to advise someone to go there. The atmosphere is not just an oppressive, but forcing her hair to move on the head. Amazing business: In the first and while the last time I got out of the camera. The battery was fully charged and after I returned to the camera of the camera without problems turned on. But, honestly, I am glad that only one photo remained from this place.

The field of death is a terrible place and you do not need to possess a special fantasy to imagine what horrors were going on here, it is only enough to know that about three million people were killed on this earth, including women, children and old people. And this is despite the fact that the total number of inhabitants of Cambodia then numbered a little more than seven million people.

Registration of the entrance is the glass turtle tower - immediately beats typical, as if demonstrating that the walk does not promise to be fun. It was the photograph of this tower and became my first and last photo from this sad place.

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You can easily use the audio guide services that are in many languages ​​including Russian. But I read too much literature about these events in Cambodia, so I did not use the guide. In general, this is a kind of open-air museum. You go on small paths, on both sides of which are constantly in-depths with the following contents: "There were a thousand killed here," ten thousand killed was buried here and everything in such a kind. Along the way, there are huge trees with long and thick branches. There are signs with signatures "The children were hanging on this tree," "this tree was a galloper for women." The feeling that you are going on the bones does not leave for a second. After I wandered all the paths, I went to the room of a small museum, where it was finally done with documentary photos, exilest removes and several information stands. The place left so oppressive impression that the next point in my list - the Museum of the Genocide was crossed out. Perhaps during my next visit to Cambodia, I will come in this museum. But at that time I had no strength, no desire to see the horrors that could arrange a handful of people to the country's population.

In the evening I advise you to visit "INDEPENDENCE MONUMENT" (Independence Monument). Why in the evening? It's all about the general mission of the city, because of which the dilapidation of all structures is visible.

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And in the evening due to the backlight, the monument looks quite attractive. Here at this time the day is very crowded. But the main function of the monument for all tourists is a magnificent landmark. This attraction is bangible at bills in 100 rielels and, showing it taxi driver, you always do without any problems to the city center.

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Early in the morning of the next day I went to the Royal Palace. Royal Palace. (Sothearos, Between Street 240 & 184). This is a really amazing place that needs to be visited early in the morning. The museum opens in half the ninth. Magnificent architecture, wonderful landscapes. Those who visited the Royal Palace in Bangkok this place may not seem too elegant, but it is definitely the most beautiful in all Phnom Penh.

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Keep in mind that in T-shirts and short shorts may not let. Another important point: Tuk-tubers and local beggars will be a choir you say that today the museum is closed. I did not understand the reason for this action. Maybe this is some new way of extorting money ...

Next, my path lay to the National Museum, which is located near the Royal Palace. This is generally my chip. In any city (no matter abroad or in Russia) I try to visit either local history or the National Museum. I think that it is in the local history museum that you can get acquainted with the story of a particular place. "National Museum" (13th St. | Between 178th and 184th sts.) It is spent time spent. There is something to admire.

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And I began to get aesthetic pleasure at once as soon as I saw the museum building - traditional Khmer architecture, painted in dark burgundy color. Here are collected exhibits found during archaeological excavations, national clothing, tools, old coins and decorations.

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The museum left behind a very pleasant impression.

Since one of the items (the Genocide Museum) was without any doubt thrown out from the list, and the time was still there, I decided to visit the local zoo. "PhNOM TAMAO WILDLIFE RESCUE CENTER" (National Road 2 | Takmao Province). I will not say that I expected something special. In this country, people live in disadvantage, what to talk about animals, but I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, this is not the best zoo in the world, but the animals are well maintained, the territory is big and green.

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This is a full-fledged recreation park. You can easily get lost in it. If the time of your visit fell on the hot period and you need somewhere to pass the time preferably in the shade, feel free to go to the zoo. I'm sure you will not regret.

For one and a half day of my stay in Phnom Penh, I most likely managed to see a bit. Perhaps, I only ran "by top", but the general impression of the city I am both two. With confidence it can be said that in the capital of Cambodia there is something to see, but some attractions can harm particularly impressionable people and drive them into depression. Do you need to attend such places? I do not know ... it may be worth it to protect himself from unnecessary experiences, giving preference to light and beautiful attractions ...

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