Why is it worth going to Amouda?


In the Greek town of Amudara, we were originally going to go with her husband, but it so happened that he was urgent to recall from vacation to work. To say that I was upset, it means nothing to say, because the mood was to smire spoiled. Invited, ride a girlfriend, but she could not. Therefore, I had to go alone with a two-year son. Immediately, of course it was scary, because I drove alone with a small child in someone else's country. I was pleased with the fact that in Greece we also rested about the raining of local residents, I know not on the hearse. But, you know, somehow the worm inside kept. I will not talk about my experiences, I will only say that Amoudar is a completely safe resort for such a practically solitary rest.

Why is it worth going to Amouda? 11899_1

There are no attractions that are typical of Greece, but this resort is located near the capital of the city of Heraklion. From Amudara to the capital, only five kilometers and if suddenly someone becomes bored, you can always take a walk, and for this it is not necessary to rent a car, because you can hire a taxi or merge with your local destroyer in a public bus.

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By the way, Amoudar is probably due to the fact that he is adjacent to the capital, infrastructure is perfectly developed. There is all the soul here can wish on vacation - shops, souvenir shops, excellent beaches, taverns, restaurants, hotels for every taste, color and wallet. Before the trip, I was frightened by the fact that the beach can be stumbled upon a seabed. So I did not see any. Because of these heels, I constantly checked my son for at least the slightest redness. We carried us and I am very glad.

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I liked the beaches very much. Sand here is soft and clean, there are small dunes and some interesting plants can be seen on some, such as sea daffodils, for example. In general, greens in the amudara, simply amazing - palm trees, olives, agaves, olendra, indentation, bougainvillea. You will not meet such beauty in our latitudes, so it is necessary to enjoy this beautiful. The beach strip is wide and from the line of hotels, it shares the driving part. Movement on the road is not too intense, so passing transport does not strain.

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The son was in complete delighted, from flying over the beach of the aircraft, because the airport and airplanes are at the landing, then the opposite is gaining height. We rested a week, and for all this time, I did not feel any drop of inconvenience and discomfort. I do not know how things are going on with nightclubs and nightlife here, because they themselves understand that with a two-year-old child, they will not be strongly danced on the dance floor and reinforced with hard drinks. As a family vacation, I liked this vacation so that not to convey words, and even if we were not in complete marital composition, but the tanned, rested and with the full hands of gifts and souvenirs returned. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Prices in the Amudar, lower than in the capital, according to this reason, I strongly recommend, to acquire memorable gifts, it is here without departing from the box office, as they say.

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