Beautiful summer rhodhe in the high mountains


I planned my arrival in a mustache, first of all, because it was from this settlement that the start of the path to the highest point of Ukraine is Mount Hoverla. The highest point of Ukrainian Carpathians is located not far from the rhodes.

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The beginning of the path was in Lviv, then on our way there was a train of Lviv Rakhov, he passes just through a musthe. In the evening, the friendly owners were welcomed by us at the railway station and were happy to place in their friendly estate.

Weather in the mountains are very changed and unpredictable. Without looking at a summer time, the middle of the warmest summer month, August, the weather was not the warmest and suitable for lifting, they were raining. The hosts every day were checked with forecasts on the Internet. And on the day, when we were planned to rise, the weather was supposed to be rainy and with a thunderstorm. It rains in the mountains is still half of trouble, and thunderstorms in the mountains are the worst and dangerous phenomenon in the summer. Local residents have one interesting sign - when the former President of Ukraine arrives Viktor Yushchenko to rise to Hoverla, then the next day wait for the rain with thunderstorms. But this is a completely different story, and by the way, at the top of Hoverla Yushchenko laid a memorable message, which should be discovered in 2015, but it is not even interested in Vandals, it is untouched and today, waiting for his time. And by us, the climb was transferred to another day, and instead, we went to a beautiful walk through the Trohaft.

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Among the attractions shown by tourists, Tryokhta is famous for its old Viaduct, along which railways are held today. And there is one low ski lift. The head of the family who held us to the city center told a lot of interesting fascinating stories along the way. I showed another lift that is much longer and more exciting, but closed at the moment. Business makes its work, and nearby the resort of Bukovel, covered the competitive lifts as "not safe" for tourists. I also only planning a trip, looking for all kinds of interesting things that you can see and see friends to show, I could not find anything else in a worry. But the most amazing sights we have already seen right on the spot - this is an incredible beauty of the untouched nature of the surrounding mountains; The combination of the most real nature and life of people in one place. I am not the first time in the Ukrainian carpathians, but such panoramas, as here, opened in front of me truly for the first time.

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The bridge we found fast enough. According to the stories of our conductor - at the time when it was built, did not attract local residents, the Austrians brought their prisoners with them and forced them to work, and the eggs bought eggs. It is the yolk from home eggs that still keeps the bridge in excellent condition and does not require repair. The beauty of masonry and an amazing structure pleases not only visitors, but also the local themselves admit that they admire and so much by such a work of art.

On the way to the center, in Nizina, small fields were spread out, which at one time the Poles, which at the time managed here, developed a project to create a lake. Everything was already approved, the drainage, laying the necessary channels, was about to begin, but at that time the Soviet government came and the changes were discontinued. So we see today instead of a blue reservoir, greens in a lowland, where one horse grazes, and there is nothing more.

The lift looks at the bottom looks small as the cable car, but the species opening upstairs are standing up to rise. There are near and walking road, but it is not worth a saved money. It goes down the guys on quad bikes. And at the very top there is still a separate walking staircase for skiers. She leads to the top of the ski descent, almost to the sky.

On the top of the top, when we have already inhaled the mountain air, the head was spinning from the height and captured spirit, the drizzling began. When only the day before yesterday we were in the usual dusty and noisy city, and here in front of our gaze is so incredible crazy a rifle landscape, then it is not to describe any words. It is impossible to convey those feelings that they are born in the shower and eyes do not believe that opens beauty. It is worth photographing not only on camera, but in their infinite memory of pleasant memories in your own head. These panoramas are now not one night in dreams. Going down on the lift down, feeling small and large raindrops on the face, we seemed to have been cleared of all urban inconsisions, commitments, and with heads plunged into such a long-awaited short vacation.

Worokhe is beautiful and unforgettable. We loved it, still starting with many cows, grazing each with your bell (every owner knows his cow in sound!). Back in the first morning, we could not understand who hinders tea with a spoon for so long? And this cow grazed under the window. Prior to an incredible compound with nature, conservation of folk traditions. One beautiful morning, on the feast of transfiguration, apple save, the whole family, from parents to the youngest children, dressed festive embroidery, taking a fruit basket, went to the church service. And a few hours later, when we walked to the city center, near the church, all locals went to meet us dressed in elegant embroidered embroidered, with all sorts of baskets with fruits and flowers. From the older generation and to young, very young girls. And all the outfits are such on the one hand, and at the same time, elegant, without short skirts and an open neckline, which can be seen in the city. Restraint in clothing and at the same time elegacity and modesty.

Touch the local kitchen, we were able to taste the amazing Hutsul cuisine in a local cradle. Most of all remembered and liked, undoubtedly, Banosh and Carpathian tea with mountain honey.

And even try extreme adventures, it turned out in this amazing place - to ride a zip Line (air extreme) - ride on cables with a carbine fastening in a special outfit of as much as 700 meters. And next to this attraction, from the remnants of equipment, on steel cables attached simply to two huge pines, adult swings are constructed. The trick of the sun on it, although you will not do, but you can get off and take off above the ground, looking straight on the mysterious mountains and forest.

Throughout the trip, we traveled with our flag and improved the Ukrainian language, as it was possible. Increased with nature, stroked cows, horses. And, in the end, after all, they got on the sunny day on Hoverla. It was an amazing journey almost to the edge of the sky. I think we will return to Vorokhta, she fell in love with them.

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