Why is it worth going to Battambang?


The province of Battambang lies in the western part of Cambodia, borders in the West with Thailand, in the south with the Cardamon Mountains, in the East - with Lake Tonlesiap and Pursat District, and in the north - with the province of Benty Miniche. Landscapes in this big province are very picturesque and very diverse - from extensive swamps and robes, to rice fields littered with seashells, fruit gardens near Pailin and wooded slopes adjacent in the south of the mountain ranges. Battambang is a province with the best agricultural land and the provincial capital of the province of the same name is a traditional rich trading city, the second largest city in the country.

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Bourgeois Battambang with a large number of ethnic Chinese suffered greatly during the revenues of the Red Khmer. Today, the city has already returned to a normal state, even began to flourish - due to its agricultural wealth and relatively good communications and transport infrastructure - Khmer and Investments (sorry that in one row) return to the region.

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The Battambang is quite famous among the current tourists is a bit in the wilderness. Well known, it is mainly due to the fact that it is the end point in a boat excursion from Siem Ripa and because of the famous Bamboo Railway ("Bamboo Trains"), today Battambang increasingly began to appear in tourist plans of travelers.

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In addition, to the city is very easy to get from Siem Ripa, Phnom Penh and Thailand. So, the tourist sphere here came to life and began to develop.

In Battambang there are many things for which you can gladly stand up, and things that can be fermented here, except for admiration and admiration for the idyllic countryside.

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The hotels and restaurants are also all right. Nevertheless, the city is still quite quiet and much more traditional than the noisy capital of Cambodia or tourist "hot spots" like Siem Ripa and Sihanoukville, so the trip to Battambang will be quite contrasting for sensations, especially if you go there last time .

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One interesting oddity of Battambang - rain rates.

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No, they are engaged in all Cambodia, but here it is right the epicenter of this phenomenon. That is, they put at how much rain is spilled in this place and at what time. When you are in the city, pay attention to people on the roofs of buildings next to the central bus station. Squeezing the radio, they communicate with their "rainwoods" that sit everywhere and monitor clouds, and with bookmakers on Phsar Boeung Chhoeuk. Bookmakers are a bit shy and do not want to be photographed, but they are not too disturbing if you will watch them.

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"Battambang", by the way, is translated from Khmer as "the loss of the cloth".

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Not very clear, right? And all because there is a legend about the poor woodcutter named Dambang (the name is translated as "Duby, the Clock"), which, borrowing magical power, dawned to cut the sacred tree of Craneong in the forest. From the trunk of this tree, he won the closet and became super-strong. Therefore, people even called him "Dambang Kraniong." Because of his power, he managed to overthrow the king himself. However, soon the son of the king met the magic white horse and invaded the owner of his father. The ex-woodcutter was thrown into the prince's magic his club, but missed, and the horse with the boy took off high in the sky. Well, the peasant flushed very far away, and moreover, where the baton finally landed, rice of different varieties began to grow straight as he himself is not - that is, he began to grow very well. People were delighted, and began to build a city on these wonderful meadows, which was called Battambang - a la place, where the "missing clock" fell. Such a interesting legend!

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Battambang founded in the 11th century was an important city during the existence of Angkor, the ancient capital of the empire, from the IX to the XII century dominated in all Southeast Asia. Therefore, several ruins of temples and historical sites can be found within a radius of 30 kilometers from the city - there is very well to ride half a day or even for a couple of hours.

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Of course, the number one among all tourists in Cambodia is Siem Rip, but Battambang is a decent competition. And therefore, it is simply amazing how lazy to tourists worked and go to this city. This is their loss and your lucky chance - as we said in childhood, "the smaller the people, the more oxygen." After all, the truth: Battambang exactly-stressfully costs at least the day to call there. If you are thinking about visiting Battambang during a couple of days (for example, to leave and then return back in Siem Rip, consider the possibility of a trip to Battambang on land, and back - on the boat (or vice versa, a trip to the boat between these cities will take from 3 to 8 hours, through narrow channels and semi-brute). So, undoubtedly, more interesting, but only a boat trip will require you courage, which will pay off wonderful species.

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After you safely settled in Battambang, be sure to rent a motorcycle and go around the surrounding area. Highlight at least half the day to view all the main places. And a shortage of English-speaking comrades who will help you to navigate on the ground, I think you will not have.

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It is interesting that by about 9 pm on the streets of the capital of the province, it becomes quite quiet, and most places closes by 11 pm. I do not know, for someone it is a minus, for someone - a certain plus. And I am also pleased with the friendly staff of restaurants, galleries and expatoves. The city is trying to get the title of "cultural city", and these cute attempts should be appreciated.

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And also - very cool to ride a motorcycle or walk in the morning when everyone is fussing, run to work, carry products to the market (or from the market), but when most tourists are still sleeping - so you can see the city on the other side.

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By the way, many tourists who visited Battambang write that during their second, the future trip to Cambodia, they would prefer to return to Battambang, and not ride once again in all so beloved by Siem Rip. This says something!

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Summing up, I want to say that, let Battambang and not such a popular city among tourists, but rather interesting. It is worth visiting!

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