Witamy W Polsce, or Hello, Poland, I arrived!


About thirty (twenty) years ago, many, I suppose we went abroad - for example, to Poland - to make a "sale-purchase-sharing" of various goods. I really like to listen to the stories of the parents about their visits to the Western neighbor of Ukraine. And I still have a musical doll - polka, somewhere in the closet there are rare children's overalls ... In turn, the Slavs brothers went to us. So the strong international relations were tied, that is, friendship. Political coups and many more events for a while suspended a rather free intersection of the boundaries of states. But we will not go deep into history.

Time, as you know, is not worth it; The circumstances also do not always contribute, and only twenty years later, my dad (and with him I) finally went to Poland. We went by car, as we decided that it would be savory, and calmer. Provided by themselves, with your favorite music and stops on the first request, we drove from Kiev to the border with Poland clock seven. I stood on the border for about an hour and went further.

Our first stop is the city of Lublin. Clean, with careful houses and a delightful castle on a hill, - the residence of kings - where the Lublin Sania was signed.

Witamy W Polsce, or Hello, Poland, I arrived! 11783_1

The old town where you can get through the city or Krakow Gate is the symbol of medieval Lublin.

The market square is decorated with old mansions, in which cafes, restaurants and, of course, souvenir shops are now located. Town Hall (new and old), cathedrals and chokes, scholars and quiet streets ... Everyone has its own history and its original style!

Witamy W Polsce, or Hello, Poland, I arrived! 11783_2

In Lublin, there is an artificially created lake: Want, ride on the boats, go to the water park, feed the claropes, and nearby - Rope Park: Lazake on the trees how much you want!

Witamy W Polsce, or Hello, Poland, I arrived! 11783_3

History lovers will be interested to visit the museum in the castle and in the oldest city. We, realizing that there is little time, and see everything we physically we would not have time, we decided to limit ourselves to a review tour. After all, Warsaw waited ahead of us. Of course, in one day, it is impossible to inspect such a majestic city. But in one day you can easily fall in love!

Arriving at the Central Station, we could not understand how to go to the "Stare Malo". Did not bought the card in advance (forgotten), our Polish Poles did not understand, and on the "exclusions of mi, do you spek inglish?" They answered "EEE ... know". But, as they say, knock and you will open.

A couple of French tourists brought us to the royal tract. On the way to the old city of guests of the capital, Nikolai Copernicus, Adam Mitskevich, Frederick Chopin and other famous Poles.

The Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Warsaw University, Presidential Palace and many exciting spirit buildings demonstrate their decoration. The Red-White National Stadium can be seen.

Witamy W Polsce, or Hello, Poland, I arrived! 11783_4

Having reached the Castle Square, it was hard to breathe from admiration. The rays of the sun played, reflected in the windows, and literally poured the square; At home as if shone. It seemed that everything was smiling here and enjoy beautiful weather. It is simply impossible to describe what looks like, and what is on old streets of the city is simply impossible. Here you can walk for a long time, admiring the medieval architecture, considering exactly the structure of the structure even restored after the war and peeling into antique shops.

Witamy W Polsce, or Hello, Poland, I arrived! 11783_5

Twilight was completely imperceptible to the city, and it was time to return home. The journey was short, but unforgettable. "Fall in love in Warsaw! A sufficient one weekend "- says the guide. "Fall in love to Poland and come back here again!" - I hear in a lightweight breeze and mentally plan the following journey into this picturesque country!

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