Getting a visa to Bulgaria. Visa cost and necessary documents.


Never for a long time ago, Bulgaria decided to enter the European Union on one to her slave reasons. And for the Russians, it only means the need for a Schengen visa to enter the country, in which it was possible to do it before.

Getting a visa to Bulgaria. Visa cost and necessary documents. 11762_1

But it is not necessary to worry ahead of time. After all, it is not so difficult to get a Bulgarian visa, you only need to collect the necessary package of documents and provide it in time. This country can also freely enter the happy owners of multiple Schengen visas.

In addition, the Government of Bulgaria on old memory and friendship puts even in a pure Russian passport a visa for six months. And in the event that this is not the first visit of the tourist to this country, you can get an already annual visa.

And if the Russian is purely randomly in the passport will be a visa of Romania or Cyprus, then in Bulgaria it will be possible to enter it.

There are two options for making a Bulgarian visa - through a travel agency and independently.

Through a travel agency, it is necessary to provide a passport, which will be valid at least three months after the end of the alleged trip. You will also need a copy of its first page, one photo and questionnaire.

And it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether the child inscribed into a passport of one of the parents or he has his own passport, it will also need to fill out the questionnaire and attach the same documents. In addition, it will be necessary to have a copy of the birth certificate and permission from the second parent, if it rides with one. I took with my original birth certificate, but no one asked him.

We make a visa for about a week, and urgent can be done in three days.

Bulgarian visa centers are located in five Russian cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg.

And if the tourist decided to arrange a Bulgarian visa on his own, then the documents listed records will need to attach two more copies of the first page of the passport and copies of the acting visas if there are such. In addition, you will have to make a certificate from the place of work, indicating the post and salary. As well as a tourist will have to prove its financial consistency and show the medical policy. You will also need to present copies and originals of tickets.

In short, all this is easier to arrange through a travel agency.

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If this is a tourist trip, then you will need another copy of the hotel voucher and confirm that the accommodation in it has already been paid.

If a person rides there at the invitation, then a citizen of Bulgaria will need to assure it with a notary. And if you invite a relative, then you need a document confirming the relationship. It will be instead of an invitation.

And for the term of consideration on rumors, even the order of their folding is affected. Thus, a passport must first lie in the stack, and at the very end a document confirming financial consistency.

Consular fee do not pay only children under 6 years old. And so, for a regular visa will need to pay 35 euros, and for urgent 70. The service is the same for all and is 636 rubles and accept it in rubles.

Bulgarian Embassy in Moscow

Address: 119590, Moscow, Mosfilmovskaya 66

Phone / Fax: (499) 143-90-22, 143-90-23, 143-66-90, 143-62-78, 232-33-02

In all visa centers, the time of work is the same - from 9 to 16, and finished visas are issued from 11 to 16.

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Neither very complex requirements, all the standard and most importantly, in the visa centers of Bulgaria do not become much quenched.

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