What things should you take with you to Laos?


Before traveling to Laos will have to prepare a little. Therefore, below the list of things that should take with you on the trip to Laos. Of course, everyone largely depends on your personal travel style . If you are traveling on a batch tour, then troubles, of course, smaller, and if you are going to run barefoot on the jungle in search of adventures ... In general, look by yourself, but do not forget about the main thing.

But in general it is important to prepare well and not leave it all houses on the table. And, of course, planning a trip and charges of the required - then an adventure, you need to say!

What things should you take with you to Laos? 11755_1

Here is the main thing that it is better to grab with you in Laos And what to arrange (Consider the same cases, if you are driving almost a savage, you are going to shust the jungle and walk a lot):

- passport with minimal validity of 6 months

- Good backpack

- Medical insurance (required!)

- driver's license if you are going to rent a motorcycle or car

- copies of all important documents, including passports and information about your nearest relatives (telephone, I mean)

- Some kind of document indicating your blood group (well, you never know!)

- Recipes from a doctor for transported drugs. Do not even doubt that most pharmacists will sell you a medicine without a recipe, but just in case, it is better to carry a recipe from the doctor with you if you transport any vital drugs across the border.

- credit cards (just do not keep them in one wallet)

- sleeping bag or blanket (especially since October to February, when the coolest thing)

- Sunglasses, hat or cap, spray from mosquitoes and sunscreen

- a small towel and swimsuit, and a rug to lie on the beach (but it can be used there and leave there, it's worth a penny)

- Good sneakers and slaps (slaps - very comfortable shoes, as they can quickly throw off and enter the tembol with barefoot, if it is required)

- Full first aid kit (necessarily! As you know, medicine is in the infancy, and all that worse cut or bruise, to cure in Laos is problematic. So, think over all possible sores that you can attack during your trip, and Take more).

- earplugs (oh, come in handy, especially if you settle in a small hotel on one of the crowds of the capital)

- Little hanging castle on a tent or bag (in order to avoid pocket thefts in public transport or in the markets)

- umbrella and raincoat (especially in June-October, when rains are most, but it's easier to buy for a couple of paper on the spot)

- Basic bath accessories (they may not be in your hotel, but in general, everything can be bought on the spot, only then do not complain that your hair without volume - it was necessary to carry your shampoo!)

- Board games and book to pass a rainy day or read on the bus

- Gifts from homeland for new friends (this, of course, not necessarily, but such a cute gesture will be undoubtedly appreciated by your guide, or the owner of the Gasthus, just like that, from the heart)

-pampers, baby food (all this can be bought in local stores, but if you worry about the quality of baby food, it is better to take it with you).

- Mirror (girls, of course, always worn with them, but guys can forget and forget. And you have to take. At least for shaving, as often in local cheap hotels and maintenance such "luxury" there is no, and do not be wondering) .

- Tampons (young people, miss, girls - read: sorry for hygienic details, but tampons are not a very widely available product in local stores, and they can only be bought in several emigrant products and household stores in Wangway, Press, Vientiane and Luang -Rebane. And the small villages in which you will stop, such a "miracle" is unlikely to be on the shelves).

- Maps (which are geographical, and better both in the phone, and on paper. If the phone is dying, then at least the card will help, and if the card will get into the phone)

- Spare contact lenses (well, everything is clear with this. It's easier to take with you than to buy here suitable)

-cake flashlight (in front of the entrance to some caves you will be given for an extra fee, but on this you can save, if you bring a lantern with you)

What things should you take with you to Laos? 11755_2

It is equally important to pack documents and some things in dense plastic bags. This is especially important if you go to the trekking - this terrible humidity and rains can destroy anything. And better the most valuable items to fold as much as two packages - it will be more valuable.

Do not forget to distribute things in a backpack correctly. If you are a daily traveler, then skip this paragraph. I do not teach you how to compactly fold things. Well, for others - heavy things closer to back, lighter things on top and front.

What things should you take with you to Laos? 11755_3

If you are traveling around the cities of Asia, and Laos is not the first item of your tour, you can recommend a little relax with such a campaign list and from homeland as few things as possible. Most things you can still buy in Bangkok or any other large Asian city.

What things should you take with you to Laos? 11755_4

It is logical to put on the campaign of darker things that are not so dirty (in the city dress, as you wish, but only so that with respect for the lazzain). The same things themselves also do not need to take a lot - you can wash them quite cheaply and everywhere. But the main - Good shoes. This is a real necessity, because many areas here are terribly impassable, bone, bope curves.

What things should you take with you to Laos? 11755_5

In such a way you can go only in your favorite strong boots (but not those who just bought in the night market in Vientiane. These can collapse after 200 meters).

In general, I imagine how carefully for the first time go to a long hot country with a backpack behind my shoulders and unclear plans. You need to be super-ready for any situation. If you feel comfort and service, you will be much easier for you. But still it follows.

What things should you take with you to Laos? 11755_6

Well, the first to the list I would put the benevolence and sense of humor. Even if you do not really possess these qualities, please take it somewhere if you are going to Laos. Do not come to this country if your head is scored by biased ideas about what Laos is the media and the stories of particularly preferable friends, as a rule, quite and quite distort the reality. Laos wonderful distinctive country that will conquer those who really want.

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