Stunning Emirates


It all started with the fact that her husband was given a vacation in March, and we did not know where to go. In Egypt, cheap, but in March there are terrible winds, and we were there many times there. In Turkey, the season has not yet opened. We lacked money on Dominican Republic and Thailand. So we thought, and why not go on an independent trip to Dubai. It was the idea of ​​my husband, he still believes that the travel agency will always be more expensive. But in the end we spent more than the entire package at the tour operator. Throughout Bucking, we booked a four-star hotel. He was unremarkable, and cost quite inexpensive. Tickets booked from Belavia and flew from Minsk.

The first impression from Dubai is a city-tale city. How could it be built for such a short time. I love cities with modern architecture.

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They struck fountains, there are a lot of them all over the city.

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For lovers of shopping, this city is paradise on Earth. There are shops for every taste and wallet, prestigious boutiques and markets. The only thing was strained that nowhere is the price, you have to ask. You begin to talk to you, and you can no longer be in silence, quietly consider the goods.

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As for the beach, we went to private, it was necessary to pay for the entrance, but it is better than lying on a towel without umbrellas. In March, Ksati, in Dubai is very hot. We traveled to the beach on the subway. We did not strain it, we enjoyed watching the city, behind the locals. Under the subway is a magnificent design.

Food prices are high. We did not always go to cafes and restaurants, sometimes bought products in supermarkets and fir on the beach or in the room. We have a limited budget. Yes, and Dubai is a resort for people with income above average. In the restaurant for two, we never had to spend less than 60-70 dollars.

But back to the city itself, at night he glows with all possible colors. He is highlighted everywhere. Such a feeling that you fell into the future. The head does not fit that the desert has not recently here.

Be sure to come back here, and still go to Abu Dhabi. We never drove to there. Still, seven days is very little. Yes, and next time we buy a tour of the tour operator.

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