Beautiful Sea Sharm el-Sheikh


We visited the resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh with the future, at that time, her husband in early November. Flight was Moscow-Sharm el-Sheikh. Flew in the evening. From the airport to the hotel literally 10 km, this is a huge plus, do not be shaking on the bus. By the way, in Sharm el-Sheikh, hotels are located one and the other side of the airport along the coast, i.e. The road from the airport before, almost, any hotel will not take a long time.

In the evening, it was not possible to get acquainted with the sea, it was already dark. But in the morning I was waiting for a surprise, the red flag on the shore - it means to bathe. We thought that it was today that the weather is "bad", so we decided to come the next day. But the next morning the flag was still red. It turns out, the sea subsides and allows you to admire your underwater world afternoon. The Red Sea - it is incredibly, perhaps, no other comes with it. Our hotel was located in the town called Nabe Bay, here from the shore in the sea first goes coral reef, as if continuing the shore, and then a sharp break and depth. And many dazzling fish. I confess, I initially frightened them. They so pumped into my body that I thought they wanted to bite me, but they were harmless. We had flippers and mask with me - we were pleasing to the underwater beauties, the feeling that you swim in a large aquarium.

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We visited one excursion to Ras Mohammed, this is one of the national reserves of Egypt, which is famous for the underwater world. Delivered us there boat around the sea, made several stops for swimming among corals and fish.

The Red Sea is not only beautiful, but also dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to swim after sunset, because marine predators are on the hunt. It is also worth using coral slippers, so as not to damage the legs and do not step on the sea hedgehog.

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Upon arrival, I regretted that they refused to travel to the Egyptian pyramids (far from all the same). Now if we are in Egypt, you will definitely go to look at one of the seven wonders of the world.

Visited the water park, for the whole day they were molded there on the slings.

Egypt Country Muslim - this makes it adjustments, women, girls, do not rest without male escorts. And if it happened, be neat, first of all in choosing clothes.

Arabs, at least in a tour zone, intrusive. They are called to visit their shops, sometimes very zealo. By the way, it is safe to bargain with them, the price can be twice.

Recreation turned out to be wonderful, the weather was beautiful (I think October-November is the best for visiting Egypt), the water was very warm, and I will never forget the Red Sea.

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