Why do tourists choose Baa Atoll?


For me, as for many others, the Maldives is always associated with paradise on earth. And now, having rested several weeks in this island state, I declare with all responsibility - it is really a paradise!

Why do tourists choose Baa Atoll? 11717_1

For vacation, we changed several residences and the one who says that the islands are similar to another will be mistaken. Each island has its own face and their "chips."

On Baa, we lived the longest and the matter here in some nuances of the underwater world. In general, Maldives are a real Mecca for divers. Beauty and variety that can be seen under water are not amenable to any descriptions. But the main plus is Baa Atoll - Majestic Mantas and Curious and Playful Dolphins . The first here live and eat almost all year round, unlike other atolls, where they appear from time to time.

Why do tourists choose Baa Atoll? 11717_2

And the dolphins who adorable by many are frozen quite close to the coast and it is not necessary to buy a expensive excursion to see these cute mammals closer. The joy of swimming with dolphins is not transmitted, the delight is experiencing all the brutal men, and the fearful young ladies.

Why do tourists choose Baa Atoll? 11717_3

Well, "the usual" inhabitants of the Indian Ocean, such as parrot fish, cruise, turtles, moray and sharks here are presented in excess. By the way, it was on Baa that we managed to see several parrot fish simply gigantic sizes.

Another feature of the atoll is the ability to swim on numerous caves with awesome coral walls.

Many are wondering, and what, in fact, do in the Maldives? What to take yourself? The answer is definitely alone - relax!

First why we personally arrived here - underwater world . Baa Atoll opens his beauty even a person with a mask and a tube - snorkel. And here you can simply "hang" in one place, keeping over the coral wall, and the picture will change before the eyes itself. For the day of the impressions, so much is gaining so much that we just have time to discuss.

Secondly popular pastime - fishing . Stories about the first caught by me Barracuda listened for a long time at home numerous relatives and friends.

Why do tourists choose Baa Atoll? 11717_4

The husband, of course, caught much more fish and surely larger, but this is my catch absolutely does not diminish. Deepive fishing on a specially equipped boat is something!

Another huge plus Baa - The presence of fishing villages Where you can run on the benches and sit in a cafe. There we also bought souvenirs as a gift from seashells.

After visiting the Maldives and Baa Atoll in particular, I can say this: the main problem of paradise - nothing to do! And it is that can spoil the vacation. I often hear from familiar who visited the Maldives that they were just boring. Yes, great paints! Yes, snow-white sand and affectionate ocean, but after a couple of days it ceases to delight.

Why do tourists choose Baa Atoll? 11717_5

We were not bored with my husband. Several dives per day and in the evening fall without strength! The study of nearby islets, fishing, nothing on the beach - all this takes a lot of time and is absolutely not boring, especially if your beloved person, a friend or just like-minded person. The most important rule of visiting Maldives is to go with those who will not annoy you.

Why do tourists choose Baa Atoll? 11717_6

There are no show programs and cheerful angry animation. The evenings are just cool lying in a hammock, drinking wine or cold beer and watch as the sun falls into the ocean. On Baa Atoll, you need to relax from the human bustle and from working thoughts.

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