Top Entertainment in Toman


So, what can be done on Tioman Island.

Snorcling and diving

This is perhaps one of the main reasons why many tourists visit the island. Daigg centers on a lot of island. You can offer "Sealantis Dive Center" on the road that leads to Paya Beach Resort.

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There you will be offered full diving courses, and they will show where you can swim from the mask. Most hotels sell a package of services, which includes accommodation, food and a snowing trip. Those who have already tried snorkeling in other Asian countries will definitely remain very impressed with Tioman, fact. If you are going to swim with a mask yourself, then be careful, leaving things on the beach - they can easily be dragged by monkeys, especially on Manka-bich (Monkey Beach). In principle, it is not necessary to buy a tour or rent a boat independently to swim and admire the beauty of sea landscapes. Island Marine Reserve is located in close proximity to the shore - all at your disposal!

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But to look at the specially colorful corals, you can rent a boat and go away to the next small island near Berjaya Tioman Beach Resort.

Waterfall asah

ACA waterfall (also known as Waterfall Mukut) is located in the desert village of Asah in the southern part of the island. Surrounded by a lush rainforest, this waterfall is considered one of the most beautiful and most famous waterfalls in Toman.

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He was even filmed in the Hollywood film. Water with a crash flies through the cascades and contrasts with calm the surroundings. A comfortable path leads to the top of the waterfall, although it is still, for many, the lifting can be the more problem.This natural beauty is perfect for a picnic. If you are tired of the hot sun and sea water, the waterfall will become another good place to rest.

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You can go through the recently built Pier into the Campung ACA or on foot from the neighboring Mukut Campung (and so, and the point is close, therefore, it will not be determined with the title. "Campung" is a village).

Paia Beach (Paya Beach)

The beach during the low tide is a completely wonderful spectacle! What the tide brought is different strange pebbles and seashells, and the beach becomes an excellent photo material.

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Especially early in the morning, when the sun is still very low above the horizon, and the light is less tight. Piya Beach, of course, is not quite the best beach in the world. A bit dirty in some way, and definitely not with snow-white sand (and with the sand of a more brownish shade). But what about the romantic place! Cool sit on a pier's shaky, or drink cocktails in a restaurant. Many these species are remembered from the whole trip. And, finally, at the Paya Beach Resort, there is a private spa, where you can make an eye on massage, wraps, cosmetic procedures, hair care, etc. You can safely recommend. There is this beach on the west shore of the island.

Tracking by jungle

Trekking, that is, hiking, is a great pastime on Toman. Many begin their tracking from Payya's beach to go through a small waterfall next to Paya Beach Hotels.

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Tioman just boasts a beautiful sunset.

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You can come on a deserted beach at dusk with a bottle of wine and just enjoy a romantic sunset. And if there will still be any pleasant melody in the headphones .... You will never want to admire the sunsets anywhere else. The sky over Tioman is simply amazing at dusk, especially when it is painted in tens of shades of pink, yellow and purple. In general, and romantic, and not very romantic to admire the sunset - in obligatory!

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Nezenk Semukut Aka Mountains-twin Aka Horn Dragon

This picturesque years, undoubtedly, the most recognizable attraction of Tyoman.

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Nezenk Semukut consists of two vertices: Gunung Nenek Semukut and Gunung Batu Simau, and they are in Campung Mukut in the southern part of the island. Gemini Mountains called "Dragon's horns", because there is a legend that the island, in fact, was once a dragon princess, who was so loved by the sea that she fell here and turned into an island, in order to give travelers and sailors rest. And these mountains are horns. These mountains are in a height of just over 200 meters, and this is a favorite location for climbing from the most energetic visitors to the island. Probably healthy climb on the "Princess horns."


Fishing, it seems, illegal from the shores of Tioman, but everyone is still fishing, so, and you do not get dry. In addition to the fact that the fishing is expensive here (approximately RM 180 in 2 hours), you are hardly catching at least something.

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Boatmen who will have to sweep money for fishing, just bring you somewhere in the sea, and whether you caught something or not here - not their problem, then your money is already in their pocket.

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Much best for fishing places - Persis and pier. Large fish are often swimming near these places attracted by bait fishermen. You can catch fish using small hooks with striking shrimps. Most often here they catch Luciana. Avoid using loaded, because they often engage in corals, which is very very bad.

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You can rent fishing rods about 10-15 ringgitis, but many of them are very simple and old. The bait can be bought in grocery stores near Piers, although the quality of bait is usually very bad. If you just like the fishing process itself, then please let the fish back. But you can, of course, bring fish to the restaurant and ask to bake there on the grill. This is also practiced.

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Monkey Bay (Monkey Bay)

This is a secluded beach with brown sand. Many this sand absolutely does not like, but the main charm of this part is coastal waters. They are very calm and clean, because it is bay, do not forget. The place is perfect for snorkeling. And here you can rent a boat and ride a little.

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In general, something like that. Tioman Island is an ideal place for those who want to tan, just wondering on the beach and enjoy the sea breeze! The most secluded beaches are in the north and south, well, the most beautiful jungle in the center of the island. There is a mass here, everything is connected anyway with the beauty of nature, and we like it!

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