Boracay is a very beautiful place. But people ... ....


Before the trip, I read that Boracay is included in the 10th beach islands in the world. And this is true, if we talk about natural beauty.

Boracay is a small island. Its length is about 7 km, and the width is 1 km in the widest place. It is located two kilometers from Panai Island to which aircraft arrive. From the pan on the boat you can walk to Borakaya for 25-35 minutes.

It is difficult to imagine that another 30 years ago, Boracay was not so popular among tourists and there was not even electricity on it. Now it is "tourist megapolis." Everything on the island is tuned by tourists.

Boracay is a very beautiful place. But people ... .... 11699_1


Accommodation on the island can be found for every taste and any requests. There are many luxury hotels, and there are cheap mini hotels. The largest selection of housing on the white beach between the stations 1 and 3. The hotels are literally in 50 meters from the sea. If you want silence, it is better to rent housing on more remote beaches. You can remove the chic villa aside from the noise of discos, for example, on a hill above the beach of Dinivide. The view from there opens just chic.

For those who come for a long time, it is best to rent apartments or a monthly bungalow.

In my opinion, it is worth avoiding Boragas for the New Year, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Easter. Because even not in such hot seasons of people on Boracae a lot. Therefore, the main thing is to make the right choice of hotel. It seems to me that it is better to book a hotel for several days and drive around the island, look at everything with your own eyes to choose a suitable accommodation.


With food on Boraca there will be no problems. Rather, there will be problems with the choice of place where to eat. Restaurants and cafes are located almost close to each other along the whole white beach. They all differ from each other and prices and range.

In the evenings, the whole white beach turns into one solid part. Only on different tastes. Somewhere a disco with the music "Techno", somewhere plays live music, a lot of karaoke bars.


On the island you can buy almost everything you need for a beach holiday. Many shops and tents are located in the districts of Di Mall and Talippa. Di Mall - more expensive and is designed mainly on tourists. Talippa - more designed for local residents and it is necessary to use it, because prices are much cheaper there. Here you can buy fresh seafood, vegetables and fruits. As well as many tents with souvenirs and any trifle.

Boracay is a very beautiful place. But people ... .... 11699_2


On the island a large selection of sports opportunities. There are a lot of divers, there is a golf club, tennis court. But I would like to tell my impressions of Windsurfing and Kaiting on Boraca.

The main place for skiing is Balabog Beach (Bulabog Beach). By natural data is a very good place. A smooth wind blowing mainly from the sea, makes riding very comfortable. Reef, which is 600 meters away, covers the lagoon from the wave. But for the reef she is.

The place would be very convenient for skiing if it were not for one thing - huge traffic on the water. Perhaps you are not lucky.

On Boraca, many schools and rental points of Windows and kite-surfing equipment. The girlfriend was trained kaitsurfing from a Russian-speaking instructor at Hangin Kitecenter, which is located on the left, if you stand back to the sea. She really liked the school, and instructor, and kiting.


Boracay is a beautiful island, with a lot of beaches. White Beach is a wonderful long beach with snow-white sand. There is a diving, but it is better in the Philippines. Windsurfing and kaiting are - but many people on the water.

Nightlife is also very active. The choice of housing is all tastes. Many Russian-speaking tourists are also tasteful. For some - minus, for others - on the contrary, plus.

In general, as it comes in a song: Think yourself, decide ......

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