Rest in Konda: Useful Information


A couple of practical advice for those who go to Condo.


On Kondao super-little automotive taxis, but there are taxi-motorcycles (the so-called XE OM, and those not so much).

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If you are going to lie on the spot, but ride all over the island, it is better to be self-sufficient. Due to the fact that the island, nevertheless, small, rental bicycles here is the most popular variant of movement. Relatively recently, roads were laid on the island, which are ideal for pokatushek on great.Motorcycles can also be rented, but it is a bit problematic way if you want to go to the distant corners of the island. In general, we vote for a bike - sports and convenient! On the extreme, you can rent a car (about $ 30 per day).

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As far as I know, there is only one main ATM on the island, in the Vietinbank bank, where there is also a Western Union service.

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I strongly recommend to come to the island with cash, it is much more preferable, since most local bars and restaurants are very small and do not accept credit cards. Prices on the island, by the way, are usually more expensive than on the mainland (due to the value of the import of goods). Despite the high prices, you just can not spend too much money on Conda, because there are enough places here to get roaring, so to speak.

the Internet

On the island there are a number of Internet cafes, but they somehow work for a short time in one place. Due to the increase in the rent, the owners of the cafe "shift" their Internet points, so that everyone finds right in place. In addition, in our age technology, Internet cafes are no longer necessary, and there are many "hot spots" WiFi on the island, in particular, in most hotels and in several cafes. However, the signal is usually not very strong, and the connection may be unreliable. So we relax and forget about all the phones- computers.

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On the island there is a hospital and several pharmacies, where you can buy everything you need, but if you come across more serious problems, the best solution is to go to the mainland as quickly as possible for high-quality medical care. If you are on the island of extreme sports, well, at least underwater swimming, do not forget to arrange at least temporary medical insurance. Condao Hospital is located on the corner of Nguyen Van Linh and Le Hong Phong. And in general, capture with you the whole first aid kit! You will not be superfluous!

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