Nightlife Hyphona


Hyphon's nightlife, in general, is not so active and stormy as in Hanoi, although between these two cities only a few hours drive by car. But, if you have a desire and strength to explore the town after sunset, especially Ming Khai, you will find here all sorts of bars, nightclubs, discos and karaoke bars, and live music in bars here is becoming more and more common and quite interesting phenomenon recently.

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In fact, a little surprising, considering that Haiphon is a small and quite calm city.

Although, do not set up at dance boys until the morning, because most of the institutions in Haifone closes their doors very early (well, in the area of ​​10 pm). Nevertheless, there are several places in Haion, which work and after midnight. It is best to ask your hotel from a guide or reception administrator: they have to tell you where you can "pull out" as it should.

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Alternatively, check these places here:

La Villa Blanche (Sometimes it is called "White House")

As the name follows, the bar is in an old French mansion with a garden, where you will also find several small kiosks with products and drinks. However, despite the pompous name and beautiful appearance of the facility, you should not expect something special from the interior of the bar - these are just plastic chairs and ordinary tables.

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Nevertheless, the place is very popular among the locals and can be quite lively with Lunch and until the night. The bar works until late, but prepare for the fact that food and drinks are quite expensive.

Location: on Tran Hung Dao Street (in the so-called Colonial Quarter Area) in the city center

Maxim's Café.

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The popular bar-cafe is also suitable for dinner, and for a couple of cocktails. At night there is a good variety of live music - at this time the bar is often very crowded. But but you will have a chance to chat with friendly locals.

Work schedule: 07:00 - late

Address: 51 Dien Bien PHU Street (across the road from Hotel Du Commerce)

NEW MAXIM'S. (Former Friendly Club)

This nightclub first opened its doors in mid-2010. Replaced no less popular Friendly Club on Dieen Bien Fu Street, this nightclub and is part of a two-star hotel under the same name. It is not difficult to find the club: Pay attention to a large yellow-red mark with a huge green logo "Carlsberg" above the entrance - you definitely go past. And in this bar there are live music!

Address: 31 Dien Bien Phu Street

Saigon Café.

It seems that in every city in Vietnam should have its own "cafe saigon". And Haiphon is no exception. This bar is located on the corner of Dieen-Bien Fu and Din Tian Hoang, in the area, which is considered the heart of the Hyphon shopping center and the popular "Titon" of local Yapp. The cafe offers a variety of food and drinks in a fashionable atmosphere along with rare live music.

Texas BBQ and Bar

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This is an international bar-restaurant (in the sense, there are many foreigners there), where popular Western dishes are served, from pizza to barbecue and beef bifhtex and lamb. In addition, if you want a little Mexican meal (well, you never know), too, it is worth looking here. Desserts of Texas also have already deserved a good reputation (we try the banana fritters here, banana pancakes and apple krambl. If you are more interested in alcohole cocktails, then the choice is good here, all the familiar "Margarita", as well as imported whiskey and wine have.

Address: 22h Minh Khai

The Lounge Bar.

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The elegant colonial-style bar at the Harbour View Hotel is a great place if you want to relax. In Lounge Bar you can listen to live piano music, sitting in comfortable chairs, and all this is in a beautiful environment. Local emigrants are often hanging in this bar.

Haiphon brewery

Local beer is deservedly known throughout Vietnam, and the best place to try it - in the busy hall of this brewing plant. During the lunch, the hall can be crowded - not surprising, because the food is cheap and very tasty. But in any case, the staff organizes you a place, even if it seems that it is already nowhere to sit down. The brewery is within a short taxi ride to the southeast of the city center.

Work schedule: 10: 00-20: 00

Address: 16 ɖ Lach Tray


A popular stylish cafe with a large terrace in the very center of the city - this is where to go to taste the Haiphong. Enjoy fresh juices, necks or choose something from a long cocktail list. There is live music here, there is Wi-Fi and good Vietnamese food at affordable prices.

Address: 42 P MINH KHAI

Vuon Dua.

Noisy beer garden with lots of cheap beer varieties, and snacks, like squid, chicken and pork prepared in various ways. Bar is full of local residents every night.

Address: 5 P Tran Hung Dao

Work schedule: 11: 00-23: 00

Julie's Bar.

Cozy bar, where emigrants are often hanging. An ideal place for a quiet evening (and maybe not very calm).

Work schedule: 11: 00-23: 00

Address: 22C P MINH Khai

Other interesting places of Hyphon - "CAFE BAR DJ MUSIC" (at 127 to Hieu), "CAFE NGọC" (SO 44 - NGO 229 - NGO GIA TU), "CAFE MUSIC CảM GIÁC" (146 QUÁN NAM) and PHILEY'S LOUNGE BAR » (115 DINH TIEN HOANG STREET).

As for the daytime entertainment of Haiphon, then, firstly, it Snorcling and diving . Well, swimming, of course, the benefit of the beaches are excellent. Popular tourist entertainment - Massage and karaoke . Most karaoke bars in the District year to sleep, where both the Vietnamese and foreign guests can get inserted, well, and during the day - just relax and relax during massage in spa on cool beaches.

If you are expected Island Cat Ba. You can immediately take a two-three-day tour with a check-in and at this island, and on other small islands in the vicinity.

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Well, by itself, the cat ba. Magnificent: During the excursion, tourists can visit limestone caves and beaches with picturesque views. Another interesting occupation is rock climbing, well, the Cat Ba is the perfect place for this (massive high limestone mountains with almost sheer rocks - most it is for lovers of this active sport!).

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