The most interesting places on Mykonos.


Around the island of Mykonos, there is a very interesting glory - as if this island is the most expensive of all resorts in Greece, and he is the center of nudist and gay life. Nonsense! Well, I have not seen gay here! Even with binoculars did not see. Nudists, yes, there are, and representatives of sexual minorities, no. The same, I can say about the elimination of this island. If relaxing is reasonable, then rest is budget. We traveled here with my husband. At first, I wanted to book a room in the hotel, but the acquaintance advised to go just to stop either in a private board or in a family hotel, and you don't need to look for them at all, because they will find you. I listened and did not lose. Yes, indeed, we immediately rented a small room without air conditioning and a soul, just for fifteen euros from one person. There was no pool, jacuzzi and other benefits of civilization, but we arrived not in order to lie all day in the room on the bed. With my husband, there was a completely different goal - inspection of local attractions. Want to know what interesting can be viewed on Mykonos Island? Then we will not postpone in long, and let's start a virtual tour of the sights of the island of Mykonos.

Archaeological Museum in Delia . Even in early childhood, I dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, and to this day I am attracted to the finds of scientists, so first, we visited this particular museum. Museum itself, I can not call modern, because it has a decent story behind the shoulders. Built this museum, more than a hundred years ago in 1904. Initially, the exposition of this museum had very modest sizes, which increased significantly closer to the seventies of the last century. Here are kept exclusive and ancient artifacts that were found in Delia. You just imagine that here you can see the finds, which are dated time before the start of our era. How much I wandered in the museum, I myself do not know, because in contemplation of rare sculptures, ceramics, mosaic, decorations, items that were used in everyday life many centuries ago, you can spend a whole eternity. For me, time in these walls, just stopped. Wonderful! I really want to visit here at least one time.

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Paradise Beach and Super Paradise Beach . And here we also stuck our curious noses. These are nudist beaches, but we never risked that they were clearly confused by the lovers of unity with nature. Why did we bring here? Yes, just because these beaches are the most famous beaches on the island. From the story of the local Aboriginal, we realized that nightlife here literally had a key, because there were a lot of coastal bars, restaurants, discos and nightclubs. Youth here, really a lot, but in the evening we did not attend these places, since more interesting things were waiting for us on the island.

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House Lena . No, this is not a tavern and not even a restaurant. This is the real museum. This house museum was built in the nineteenth century, and is a branch of the Museum of Ethnography and Folklore. Named, in honor of his last mistress - Lena screenshots. The house completely retained the appearance and interior, which is characteristic of the housing, in which the Mikonostsians of the middle wealthy class and representatives of the nobility lived. In an amazing way, it was possible to recreate typical of the time and lifestyle, furniture, design and interior items. All things that can be seen in the house, once belonged, all the same Lena screenshots. The house is not too big in size, because it consists of a spacious living room and two bedrooms. On the street there is a pigeon and a small, cozy inner courtyard. To admire in the house, you can absolutely all - tapestries, carved antique furniture, antique mirrors, engravings, hand-painted plates and many other interesting things. If you want to visit this house-museum, then take a note the fact that it works not quite usually. The museum operates in the period from April to October a month and only in the evenings, from half of the seventh evening, to half the tenth of the evening. Weekend day, is Sunday.

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Monastery Paleokastro . Never been to the current monastery, and here such an opportunity fell out! A striking atmosphere here, I will tell you. Some rest and peace is bottled throughout the body. There is a monastery, in Ano Mera, that is, essentially, in the heart of the island. The territory of the monastery is considered the most pure territory on the whole island, so it really is, because I had the impression that if I would go here in some white socks, then no dust sticks on them. The monastery, striking his sterile ideality - the walls of impeccable snow-white color, a huge abundance of bright colors that gently grow in the slides of suspended in Cachebo and simply stand on the snow-white stone plates in the courtyard, the abundance of trees, and almost all of them were in a state of flowering. Here everything, literally every centimeter, demonstrates great care and well-groomed. Amazing oasis of greenery and purity. If there is paradise on earth, then this is this monastery.

Agricultural Museum . This museum is part of the Ethnographic Museum. Do not be surprised, how much the main exposition of the museum is the old windmill, which is comfortable in the very center of the city. Very original and very predictable move - to create a similar museum in the windmill. Here you can see agricultural instruments, devices and tools such as grape press, stoves, huzno and so on. By the way, the island of Mykonos is also called the island of windmills, so they can be found quite often here. Mills are a kind of component of the local culture.

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In this museum, you can get closer to the life and traditions, the local population in the distant past and find out how exactly they led the farm and how was the interior of the most ordinary village house. It is all impregnated with a provincial atmosphere and in the air is felt by the revocation of the work, with whom the locals of the past were faced to be able to impose themselves and their families.

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