Turkish vacation in Side


Rested in August 2014 family, me, husband and daughter (1 year), on the Antalya coast in the city of Side. Turkey was not chosen by chance, because, in my opinion, it is wonderful to relax with the kids. And the option "all inclusive" gives a rest to young mommies, because neither cook, nor wash the dishes, do not clean it. Quiet family vacation.

Flight was Moscow-Antalya. Upon arrival all seeded on the buses and sent to hotels. We drove a little more than 2 hours.

In Side wonderful sandy beaches, notice that not everywhere, pebbles are also found. Strong entrance and a calm sea - what you need for children. In order to avoid any infections, we did not bathe the child in the hotel pools, and we bought a rubber inflatable small pool, filled it with sea water, and the child was satisfied with a pretty day in it almost all day.

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Another plus of Side I consider a promenade, it shares hotels from the beach and stretches for 5 km. There is where to walk in the evening and admire the neighboring hotels. Under this, the promenade we went to the Side itself several times (the distance from the hotel to the embankment about 3 km), sazed the daughter in the stroller and went for a walk. Side is an ancient city, in it a lot of antique monuments have been preserved, and since we were with a small child, i.e. There was no possibility to leave for excursions, for us such walks, became kind of excursions. We walked to admire the arched gate, on the ruins of the ancient city, on the temple of Apollo, and this is not all that you can see.

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Once, tired of the buffet, we decided to dine in the restaurant on the waterfront. All tasty, the husband appreciated the kebab, and I am a fan of seafood, too, was pleased. Prices for dishes about as Moscow

Turks love kids very much, told to play with them, touch. The daughter became our business card. Although she does not like foreign people, hysteria did not suit.

Deciding to buy a few souvenirs for relatives and friends, we knew that the Turks love to bargain, and my husband was not mistaken in this matter, so I managed to drop a bit. So bargain, feel free to.

In general, we perfectly spent our vacation, the next time, if we go to Turkey again, we will choose Side again, because the place is wonderful, and we did not all have time to see.

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