The most interesting places in the fanta.


Vietnam's landscapes are infinite examples of beauty, diversity and inspiration sources. From long beaches and endless rice fields to the cool mountains of the central part - there is everything! And in the area of ​​the Phantet and the nearby famous Muin you can see even more. Also, a lot in fantaste and historical sights. All this creates unique opportunities for tourists.

Sand dunes Muin

Many tourists simply adore the trip to these amazing sand dunes, which can be found in the Sahara desert. They are located near the beaches Muin. Moreover, these dunes are also different types - white and red!

White Dunes - more and more spacious, and are known among the locals like Bau Trang (Bau Trang) or White Lake. Arriving here, you will find in the shade of pines next to the dunes are quite a few small kiosks selling food and drinks for tourists, well, and as a free bonus-welcome shadow (after all, in the dunes, naturally, the smooth heat, as in any desert, that ).

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Red Dunes, as follows from the name, with reddish brown sand, which is rather unusual. The sand color makes these dunes a more popular place among photo lovers.

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The territory of this mini-desert is smaller than that of white dunes, but it is easier to get to them. Sledge riding with sandy gorkas is the most popular, all your favorite and cheerful occupation in the area. That is, sometimes whole local families come here, pokatushki, so to speak. It is difficult to say where it is best to ride - the sands will spread in different directions differently from the season for the season. In general, an excellent alternative to our snow! Visitors can rent plastic sleighs, and we can agree on the price of them and bargain.

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Some travelers complain that the young Vietnamese, surrendering Sani for rent, behave very brazenly and may not want to turn the price (it was for what! On plastic basin!) So, be alert and keep cold-blooded. Also, in these dunes, it is very nice to launch an air serpent, the wind here: it is necessary (and the snake will also be sold in the nearest kiosk), and then it's great to admire the sunset, as red as the sand. These dunes are a popular place for picnics among the locals. Do not forget to take more water with you, so as not to spend money in place.

When you come: all year round. The best time to visit is either early in the morning, or late in the evening, as the sand can fascinate in the middle of the day.

Port of Phant Thiet Harbour)

Phanteta harbor is at the mouth of the Ka TI River (Ca Ty, previously known as the Fan, Phan River River). Harbor with hundreds of colorful fishing boats is a higher pleasure for photographers.

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In addition, walk to bridges and parks around the harbor, which are especially delicious at night. Next to the harbor there are many good shops and restaurants. In general, highlight at least half of the day to visit the port.

Location: on the Trung Trac River, in the Duc Tang area

Mountain Taku (Takou or Ta Cu Mountain)

Mountain Taku is "Mast C" for any tourist staying in this area. There is a mountain an hour away from Muin, and this is a completely magical place.

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Take tracking to the top of the mountain through a beautiful tropical rainforest, full of birds and wild animals to a mountain pagoda (Mountain Pagoda) at the peak. And even to the mountain you can get to the funicular - this is what many tourists choose. A ticket back-back onto the funicular stands in the area of ​​50,000 dongs, and an additional 5000 for a trip to the electrocare, which will take you from the entrance door to the cable car station itself - a trip less than a kilometer, so you can easily climb on your own. If there are not a lot of people, the cabins are sent every half hour or less.

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A trip - just over 1.5 kilometers, takes about six minutes, but during this you can enjoy beautiful panoramic views of the surrounding lowlands, rice fields and Painty plantations.

So, you landed, then we go about 200 meters on the stairs, surrounded by the statues until we do to the main attraction. It is called Thich Ca Nhap Niet Ban, which means "Buddha enters Nirvana."

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The 50-meter statue of the lying Buddha is an amazing spectacle. Sizes are impressive, but most tourists can not tear the eye from the Buddha face - he lies with his eyes closed and blissful smile and radiates calm calm, which one can imagine.

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By the way, it seems like, this is the biggest statue of the lying Buddha in Vietnam. On the top of the mountain there are also tombstones and caves.

Location: Approximately 25 km west of Phantaets along the Highway 1a (we are going to the west of Tran Hung Dao ST).

Water Tower Phant Tower (The Phan Thiet Water Tower)

This water tower was built between 1928 and 1934 according to the drawings of the Prince of Supanunong Lao, who at that time was the chief engineer of Vietnam.

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Beautiful tower is one of the main attractions in the province of Binthuang (where the administrative center is a fantaet).

Address: on the banks of the river ka, between the streets of Ba Trieu and Le Hong Phong, almost in the city center

Prince Castle (The Prince's Castle)

This construction is located on a hill with pretty views of the fanta. "Castle", in fact, a dilapidated old French house built in 1911 on the hills in the same area where the Cham's towers are located (built at the end of the 8th century of our era).

Location: Behind the PHU Hai River, a little south of the Nguyễn Thông road (10 minutes drive from the Phanteta Center).

Temple Wang Tui Tu (Whale Museum) (Van Thuy Tu Temple)

Van Tui Temple, built in 1762, the place is really unique: the remains of more than 100 whales are resting - their skeletons became the exhibits of the museum. The largest skeleton from the collection in length is already 22 meters.

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Whales, as local fishermen, useful and friendly animals believed - it was believed that whales sent fishermen to the safe shores of Sushi. In gratitude, whenever whales have thrown into the local beach, their carcasses brought into the temple. So such a collection was formed, and whales began to be considered almost sacred animals. In honor of them, special holidays are even held. The place is amazing!

Address: NGU ONG ST (Fisherman Street)

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