Where to swim in the Bokoko-Kotor bay?


Actually, the Bokoko-Kotor Bay is very loved by divers from all countries. This is explained by the centuries-old stories of cities, located in the Gulf, and the fact that at its bottom there is a large number of sunken ships, according to which we are just right to study the history of the bay and Montenegro and clean sea water. Often in the bay, the people are bathed directly from concrete pontoons, which cannot be called comfortable.

Directly in the old one's old beach, since this city is very loved by yachtsmen from around the world. Next to the old town is a berth made from concrete, next to which numerous yachts moored. Go to the right (if you stand back to the old town) on the embankment of 15-20 minutes and there will find the city beach, it is not crowded, clean, the sea almost immediately go deep into.

In Hercegeg, there are beaches directly from the city pier. They are small, but clean, the people are relatively few.

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Where to swim in the Bokoko-Kotor bay? 11483_2

Quiet, comfortable and small beaches in the Gulf can be found in small towns - Perast, Lipsy. Orachovac, Prcan, Risan. They are located away from favorite tourist routes, represent the summer cottages of Europeans rather, in winter their streets are completely empty. But resting in these towns late in spring, summer and early autumn, you can enjoy the sea, air and silence. It is good to rest well with young children.

If you go to the cruise on the bay, on the ship itself, you must take an extra excursion in the Blue Grotto, you will not regret. On sunny days, the water glows in some unusual light and really blue, it leaves unforgettable impressions about himself. Swimming takes place next to the grotto. Experienced and enduring swimmers swim into the grotto itself. If at least a little doubt in your abilities, put on a life jacket, so many tourists do, and quietly enjoy the purest sea water, not experiencing about your own security. Also, the cruise offers swimming in the open sea. Do not miss it. However, even with a small excitement, it is still better to swim in the vest.

Fans of exotic can take a private excursion to the Fort Mamoula and buy on its deserted beaches.

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