Getting a visa to Australia. Visa cost and necessary documents.


Not only is Australia, the country is not the cheapest country and to the same tourist waiting for a long flight with transfers.And despite all these sacrifices in the name of the appearance of the beauty of Australia, the government of this country does not go to the meeting and get an Australian visa is not so easy. And even if all the documents are in full order and filed to the embassy on time, there is absolutely no guarantee of entry into Australia. Of course, those who can afford the journey to distant Australian shores are unlikely to be outraged by the consular fee in the amount of 4200. However, the fact of the need to pay such a suma is not too pleased. But as a bonus, you do not need to visit the embassy for the second time because there is an electronic visa confirmation.

There are two options for design visas - on their own and using travel agencies.

It is necessary to collect a whole bunch of documents, but, of course, those who want to see Sydney Opera will not stop.

Getting a visa to Australia. Visa cost and necessary documents. 11476_1

And so, in the Australian Embassy, ​​you must provide the following documents:

  • A copy of the Russian passport, and all these copies must be certified by the notary. If at least one copy is not certified, then visas do not see the tourist. And since the inner passport in Russian, all pages must be translated into English and are certified. A translator who performs this work must be accredited.
  • The term of the passport must be at least six months after the end of the trip and is still good if there are other visas, desirable Schengen. I really do not understand at all what the difference in which a person visited it before, maybe he walked money all his life to Australia.
  • If there is an old passport, it will require himself or photocopy of pages with visas
  • still need one photo
  • You must fill out a questionnaire in English for a special form 48R and specify the date of this fill. Also, it is necessary to sign and specify the email address. And specify this address correctly - a vital condition. After all, it must send a visa confirmation. If the address is not true, then as they say, you fly with a visa.
  • It is necessary to provide copies of documents confirming the possession of tourists by real estate. One can only repeat that these documents must be translated into English and refer notarily
  • Also need a certificate of work is necessary on the branded form and indicating the salary. As practice has shown, it is the easiest help. After all, the size of the salary in it is dependent on the size of the chocolate, presented to the chief accountant. Still need to specify whether you have a vacation paid to Australia
  • Well, you still need an extract from the bank account.

If the student goes to Australia, he will need to provide a certificate from the place of study.

For those who at least translate into a foreign language and notarized it, he knows that this procedure is not cheap and need to be prepared for these expenses.

Getting a visa to Australia. Visa cost and necessary documents. 11476_2

And for children under 18, which will suddenly be gather in Australia, other documents will be required:

  • certified by a copy of the birth certificate and permission from parents for departure
  • Copies of parents passports
  • Site letter in Australia

If the future tourist has its own business, he will still have to prove the legality of income from him. And a man still ten times will think of whether he needs this Australia at all if his business is not completely legal.

And if you suddenly find a bolt, receiving a visa on my own, then he will still have to provide the route of the future journey. I am interested, then the embassy checks the deviation from the route or not. In addition, you will need to make medical insurance for the entire period of stay in Australia. And most importantly, an accredited doctor must write down a certificate that the state of your health allows you to go to this country.

It seems to me that if at the entrance to Russia there were such rules, then tourists would have been clearly dubbed.

You can get to the Australian Embassy only after posting.

Getting a visa to Australia. Visa cost and necessary documents. 11476_3

A visa is issued within 14 business days and God forbid in the period of public holidays. A trip to this country must be planned in advance. Moreover, they do not glue anything into the passport, but only send a letter to the email address with all visas, it must be printed and showed at the entrance to the country.

Very original order of them, I want to say.

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