What are the interesting places worth a visit to Poyana-Brasov?


Directly in the village of Brasov there is only one attraction. This is small chapel which is located in close proximity to the most popular mountains for skiing, Mount Bradule.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Poyana-Brasov? 11460_1

Actually this chapel is a business card town. Inside, we, unfortunately, did not bother to go. And what is called, I could not even know later on the Internet. Just a chapel in Pogan-Brasov.

But quite not far from this ski resort there are very interesting places.

And most perhaps the famous is popular Castle Bran , or, as it is customary called in the people, Dracula Castle . It is located in a small and picturesque town of Bran, which is approximately 25 kilometers from Zyana-Brasov, on the border of the legendary transylvania. Thanks to the beautiful landscape and stunning nature, Bran is one of the most common tourist destinations in this area and an ideal place to spend an excellent weekend.

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Wikipedia says that the Bran Castle (hereinafter quotes) "was built at the end of the XIV century by local residents on their own for their own funds, for which they were released from paying taxes in the state treasury for several centuries."

In fact, it is not entirely true.

At the end of the XII century, the German Crusaders of the Teutonic Order received as a gift of the land of "Borza" or "Burzenland" - a country called in honor of the Polovtsian tribe. The purpose of this gift of the Hungarian King Andrei II was the establishment of Teutons in the area to protect the southeastern border of transylvania from Polovtsy and Pechenegs. In 1211, the Germans built a fortress with the title title in the town of Bran. This year is the official date of the foundation of the castle. But it happened that 15 years later, Teutonic knights were expelled from this area.

And only after a century and a half, in 1377, another Hungarian king, Louis Great - Louis I Anzhuy, is issued a document providing the people of Brasov the above-described privilege in the construction of a Bran Castle. Thanks to this document, also saksam from Transylvania (in fact, the Germans) it was urged to participate in the construction of the castle, which previously belonged to their predecessors.

The construction of the Bran Castle was completed only in 1388. Since then, he has been proudly towers on top of a steep cliff with an exceptional view of the nearby hills, Moeciu and Bârsei Valley. In those distant times, the castle played the role of customs and fortresses at the same time, because it was on the eastern border of transylvania. Later, in the XIH century, the castle of Bran lost his military and commercial importance, after the border was transferred further to the mountains.

The lock has four levels that are connected by the staircase. All rooms, halls and corridors are a tangled labyrinth. Probably, in order for a random or non-crumbling guest to find the road.

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And in the castle, it is clearly not allowed everywhere, since I saw photos on the official site, but at the same time I did not see it alive!

The interior of the castle is well recreated in the spirit of the beginning of the twentieth century, when he belonged to the Queen of Mary and the Royal Family (the gift of the residents of Brasov). After the return of the castle to the legitimate heir (grandson) of the Queen of Mary, all items and all the furniture were taken out by the Government in the Museums of Bucharest. Therefore, the decoration of the new owner had to recreate re-buying, buying antique furniture and antique items for their own funds. Several rooms are devoted to Vlad Zapneshu, which actually consider Dracula. In general, it is interesting to wander around the rooms and terraces of the castle, feel the story, myths, intrigue and the magic of this wonderful place.

By the way, the owners of the castle promise to make a glass elevator to experience the "Spare Freight of Dracula", and will also provide the opportunity to dine in the Tea House of Queen Mary.

In the courtyard there is a well in which tourists throw coins. Looking at the well fine, the depth of meter, there is no water there. But according to legend, this well leads to underground premises.

On the territory of the castle there is a museum where Romanian and foreign furniture are presented (including owned by the royal family), a collection of armor and weapons, photos from the life of the royal family, the objects of life of different centuries. Although, in essence, to get to the museum, you need to go through 300 meters on the road, moving away from the castle.

The work schedule is next.

from April 1 to September 30

PN: 12:00 - 18:00

W-Sun: 9:00 - 18:00

from October 1 to March 31

Mon: 12:00 - 16:00

W-Sun: 9:00 - 16:00

And the end time is not the closing time, and the time of entering the last visitor.

The cost of tickets is 25 lei for adults, 10 lei for students and 5 lei for children. Only here the course of Romanian lei I do not remember. Behind the photo will also have to pay extra.

Outside the territory of the castle Bran there is a huge bazaar where you can buy a lot of souvenirs (mostly related to Dracula), traditional clothing and more. There are several cafes where you can snack well. I heard that there are several bars in the town, in which visitors have the opportunity to lie down or sit in the coffin. You are sitting there and drink beer. Horror.

Getting to Bran from Justa-Brasov is convenient only by car. First, go along the mountain winding road 1e to Rishnov, and then on the E574 highway, which will lead directly into the Bran. The castle will be left in the course of the movement. Pointers, however, is everywhere. Branch buses are only from Brasov (Bus Station No. 2). It is still possible to take a taxi to the taxi, it is generally not very expensive - it will cost about 20-25 euros.


Significantly closer to Brasov's Town is a pretty town Richnov (Room. RÂşnov) with neat houses in German style. Riding there are only about 5 kilometers. First of all, the Ryns are notable for the Saxon Fortress of the Saxon Fortress, located on the rocky hill of the Carpathian mountains surrounded by beautiful nature.

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The fortress also built the Knights of the Teutonic Order in 1215. But the first mention of it applies for some reason only by 1331. The Fortress of the Ryrunov is almost impregnable, about whom it says that in all the time it was conquered by one only time, and then not during the battles, but as a result of a long siege.

During one of such a siege, the inhabitants of the city as usually lacked water. The two Turkish captives were forced to dig a well in the center of the fortress and promised them freedom at the end of work. So that you understand, in this place the earth consists of very hard rocks, often with stones. That is why the work lasted for almost 17 years, during which time a well-depth of 62 meters depth - these are official data (according to unofficial - 146 meters). But then the Turks still killed. So read the legend. However, as a result of the last excavations at the bottom of the well, bones of two people were found. Like this.

Currently, the Fortress of the Rynshnov is put in order and renovated. Every day, she is visited by hundreds of tourists. On the territory there is a fortress museum with a very interesting exposition consisting of various weapons (naturally), ancient books, tools, clothes, household items. A special value of the museum is a female skeleton, which can be seen under the glass floor.

It was not fortunate enough to go inside. It turned out that in those days in the fortress something collapsed and no one was allowed for security purposes. Therefore, the cost of the input ticket will not say. We ourselves had to be content only by outdoor inspection. It's a pity.

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Local Fortress Ryrnov also called the "Fortress of Fear." There are rumors that you can see moving shadows there, often heard steps (although there is no one) and incomprehensible sounds, sometimes the inexplicable feeling of the cold is felt ... People say that you can also see ghosts of men and young women in old-fashioned clothes. Therefore, the researchers of paranormors are often visited here. In general, not only history, but different legends are attracted to the fortress of tourists from around the world.

You can only get to the rivets by car. Moreover, if you arrived on your own, then you will not immediately get to find the right way to the fortress itself, there is slightly confused with pointers (we only managed to figure out the third round of the city). Then the parking lot go on foot, about 15-20 minutes. The rise is slightly cool, but very picturesque, all the time in the forest.

And by the way, do not plan to visit the Fortress of the Ryrnov in one day, and Bran Castle. Although they are close to each other are located, you still do not have time everywhere. We need two separate days.

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