Rest with children in Athens. Where to go?


Whatever your trip to Athens is spontaneous or long-humped and desirable, unfair to leave children at home and deprive them to get acquainted with an ancient and noble city. In addition, all conditions have been created in the Greek capital so that tourists do not worry about a successful vacation and enjoyed them with children. Parents remain only to organize a cultural and entertainment program, so that it is interesting in curious and restless children and did not infringe upon the desires of adults themselves. Make outline of the plan of events Travelers may be before the trip, and already rightfully appear in Athens, adjust your route. At any time, tourists can seek help or advice to local residents. The Greeks are sufficiently sociable and friendly. Many of them are loyal to tourists and speak English well, so they can explain how to get to one or another place interesting for the whole family. In addition, signs are installed throughout the city to help travelers.

Funny guard.

To get acquainted with all remarkable places in Athens, not one day . However, there are places that even if you have a lack of time to leave simply impossible. For example, adult and small tourists will be interested to look at the unusual shift of Karaul on Syntagma Square. Before the building of the parliament, the soldiers dressed in national costumes and slippers with large pompons are periodically warm up, performing funny movements. And every hour under the team of the distributor takes place the next shift of Karaul.

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Judging by my boys, children more pleasure gives a warm-up observation than the main action itself. Therefore, it is not worth upset if you do not wait for the change of duty. The main thing is to see the training session in white leggings and can be sent further into the walking in Athens. By the way, you can get to Syntagma Square on the subway, coming out at the station of the same name or on the excursion train. Both ways are fascinating themselves. Tourists who have decided to take advantage of the subway will be able to admire the unique subway and archaeological exhibits under glass. The fact is that the station Sintagma is a small archaeological museum. Walking more will be suitable for a walk on the train. For them, this is a kind of fascinating attraction. And on Athens, multi-colored trainings are driving. Very comfortable white and green walking formulations.

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The fact is that they are mutually replaceable. You can start a tour of the location of one color and in any joint stop to reconcile another color. And all this one ticket that costs 5 euros. Passengers up to 6 years can ride the train for free. You can sit on the green composition near the metro station Acropolis and will go to parliament, and then through a cry to make a tour of the historical part and return back. The train departs every hour, starting at 9:10 in the morning. White compositions start from the wind tower in the same time interval.

As for the Red Farridge, Happy Train, a ticket for it costs 6 euros for an adult and 4 euros for a child. You will not get to this train to Saintagma Square. And all because it is here that the initial point of the red-made route is located. Excursion on it lasts about an hour. You can get up at any stop and look around. The main thing for two hours to sit in the next train, otherwise the ticket action will end. It is impossible to transplane from the red compositions on the steam rooms of another color, as they belong to different companies.

Acropolis or Moon Park?

All tourists who were in Athens are certainly seeking to visit Acropolis. And can it be different? How to leave the upper city, wind tower and the new Acropoli Museum? However, for children, these attractions do not represent much interest. In addition, crowds of tourists and heat quickly exhausted small travelers, killing them the minimum desire to contemplate the ancient ruins. Children are much nicer and more interesting will spend time in the local Moon Park Alou Fan Park. This entertainment park is special. The thing is that attractions for kids and teenagers in this place are the same. More precisely, they work according to the same principle, but have different sizes. Just the park is divided into adult and children's zones. And many carousels for children from 2 to 11 years old are reduced copies of the swings, slides and boats from an adult zone.

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Go to the moon park is best in the late afternoon. First, the heat will not raise children. And secondly, the music and colorful lighting will lead the children to an even greater delight. Works park all year round. From Monday to Friday, visit it from 17:00 to 24:00. On weekends, the park is open from 10 am to midnight. Entrance to the park is free. For riding attractions you like to pay a specially plastic park card. One riding is within 2-3 euros. For convenience, you can purchase for 15 euros bracelet, allowing you to have fun at all attractions during the day. You can feed small tourists right in the park. Food is not much more expensive than in the area of ​​the cry. Moreover, many cafes are focused on children. Getting to the park is very simple. It is enough to sit on the subway and drive to the final station Aigaleio.

Athenian Zoo

As in many other major cities of the world, there is a zoo and planetarium in Athens. And if the visit to the zoo will impress except on the kids, then the campaign in the planetarium will pass the whole family. The Athenian Zoo is not particularly different from many other European zoos. Only a large collection of birds and a good dolphinarium can be noted. The price of a ticket to the zoo is 15 euros for adults and 11 euros for children from 3 to 12 years. Attend the kingdom of animals is better after dinner when the people will dry out and the indicative feeding of pets will begin. If desired, visiting the zoo can be combined with a picnic on the grass. On weekends, local residents do this. Here, and we followed their example and we really liked it.

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Tourists can get to the zoo can be on the Lane 319 bus or taxi. It is necessary to clarify that he is behind the city.

One thing I can say for sure how many years have been small travelers, the trip to Athens will be a fascinating adventure for them. And let some of the impressions across the time, but the most emotional and colorful moments will die in memory for life.

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