What should I see in Vungtau?


The famous resort of Vungtau is almost 130 km from Ho Chi Minhine - a great choice for travelers. And these are the beautiful places and what sights can be visited here:

Park Thhight Ka Fat Dai (Altar Buddha)

One of the most beloved among tourists (and locals) Park is located on the hillside. His most famous part is a large buddha statue. This park was broken in the early 60s of the last century.

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The main gates of the park are passed and immediately stumble upon an axer of small souvenir bears, littered with magnets, crafts from seashells and decorations from corals. Also, you will find a couple of restaurants and trays with drinks. We buy what you like, and follow the cool path to several massive white statues of the Buddha, sitting in the lotus position and small statues depicting people and animals. The park is very picturesque and pacifying. The gate of the park opens at 6 am and close at 6 pm.

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Address: Entrance from the street. Chan Fu, 25 (from the city center we go to the north along Leu Loy Street almost to the end, then we turn left on Chan Fu).

Beaches of Wangtau

Rear Beach (Bai Sao or Thui Van)

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One of the most popular among tourists, in particular, because it is not far from the most famous sights. The beach with a length of eight kilometers is always full of tourists and locals. It is because of popularity that the beach cannot be called the cleanest, and certainly it is impossible to call him a secluded - parking lots, hotels, cafes. If you want to at least a little calm, go to the northern part of the beach. And be careful - there are terrible comments here.

Front Beach (Bai Cheyk or Thui Zionong) located almost in the city center. This beach is quite attractive, as trees are framed, but the beach itself is also dirty.

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Street Cuang Chung with her shopping bears stretches along the beach, but trade here is not such a bog, like on the rear beach. It is steeper to come here early and watch the work of fishermen who swim to the shore on their round wicker boats, lay out on the sand of the catch and clean the nets.

Silky Beach (Bai Zou)

Pretty quiet beach with palm trees around the edges. And perhaps the most romantic and picturesque place in the city. There are almost no merchants here, and there are few tourists, thank God. The beach is located along a small bay from the western slope of a large mountain. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of sand on the beach, but for the most part there are stones and pebbles. Nevertheless, water is cleaner there than on other beaches. By the way, there are several inexpensive Gasthus on this beach, so expect a lot of backpackers. And also is the best place for photos, so Vietnamese newlyweds are often photographed on this beach.

The Silky Beach is 3 km from the center of Vangua along the street Chan Fu. The easiest way to get here to a large or motorcycle here, since public transport does not go here, but be careful - the road is broken and uneven. So the rickshaw to get there to be problematic. In a calm day from the beach, you can watch the island of Kan Zo in the distance - small and shrinking palm trees, at the mouth of the Mekong Dellet. Actually, it is possible to fuse (but from the front beach, on the boat).

Beach Rocher Noir (Bai Zya or Black Stone)

A narrow rocky beach 2 kilometers south of the center of Wangtau, if followed on Ha Long Street. A beautiful and romantic place where it is so great to admire the sunset. Once the beach "hugged" palm trees, but today they were cut down (well, almost everything), and the shore is built up with new hotels.

Lighthouse Wungtau

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On this light, you can admire panoramic views of the surroundings. Particularly impressive views during sunset. This lighthouse was built in 1910, standing on a macuch of a small mountain. The lighthouse rises along a narrow path, which intersects with Hay Long Street. The mountain is not very cool, so you can safely climb the bike. There is another less well-known and trotten dusty road (and dirty in the rainy season) - it stretches from the rear beach.

Statue of Jesus

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The huge statue of Jesus with open hands (almost the same as in Rio de Janeiro) facing the south-Chinese sea is on the southern slope of the Malaya Mountain. This statue of about 30 meters high here was the French here in the 70s of the last century. Before the statue, you can easily walk from the same rear beach on a winding track, which will lead you to the back of the shape.

There is a danger of collapse of the figure. The mountain on which she stands is currently collapsed, as the stone and sand for the construction of new buildings and hotels are taken from the southern slope. Moreover, they dig out almost at the foot of the statue. So, it is likely that with the next Typhoon the statue simply will take it into the sea. Strange they, of course. Local Christians are far away and they protest all the time - however, everything is in vain.


Or White Villa (Villa Blanche) - Express Kings.

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The building is drowning in tropical trees and colors, stands on the hillside, offering luxury views of the sea. This building was erected at the beginning of the last century for one French governor. Then the representatives of the Vietnamese Royal Dynasty began to live here. The French-style building is decorated with color mosaic and philosophers bust in niches of external walls.

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Today in this castle there is an exhibition of the Chinese (Qing Dynasty) of the dishes, which was taken from the bottom of the sunken in the 18th century next to the shore of the island of Kona Tao ship. There is a souvenir shop at the palace. The entrance to the castle is worth not more than $ 2.

How to find: Main entrance - north of the beach on Street Chan Fu, 12.

Temple Hon Ba (Women Island)

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Luxury temple is located on a small island in the south of the rear beach. During the slowdown, you can easily reach the temple on foot.

Pure Nirvana House (Bang Tin Ca)

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This is one of the largest Buddhist churches of the country. We are looking for it on the western slope of a small mountain. The temple was built in the 70s of the last century, well, the most famous parts of the temple - 5000 -kylogram bronze bell, the figure of the underlying Buddha and a beautiful mosaic.


This shipyard is located on the side of the streets of the Khi Ngia, 500 meters from the bus station Wangtau. Quite interesting, although not very romantic place of Vungtau.

Here are such beauty in the glorious city of Vungtau!

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