Visa to Libya


Libya is not associated with Russian citizens with rest and few people consider this country suitable for tourism. This is largely due to not very positive events in this country and now Libya is associated with an unstable political situation and civil war. However, there are people who want to visit this country.

In order to go to Libya to all foreigners without exception, a visa will be required. Only citizens of the Arab Union countries are exempt from it. That is, if you are not a Moroccan, for example, you will need a visa. And even they can not there are infinitely, but should leave the country for three months.

If you are in Libya transit, then the term of this location should not exceed the day and from the airport is impossible. A very informative trip to the country is obtained.

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But the citizens of Israel or the owners of the Israeli visa in the passport shines to see Libya at all, they will not give them a visa.

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The government of this country is extremely negative about Israel and most likely, does not recognize it at all as a state.

In order to get a Libyan visa, you must translate your passport to Arabic. It is important that the translation was performed by a professional translator, because they may find fault with each letter. Where to apply for the translation can suggest in the embassy. Moreover, this translation must be made in one of the free pages of the passport. Still, it is very original. I haven't heard anything else about any other country. However, without compliance with this condition to the country will not be allowed.

In addition to such a decoration of your passport, you need to provide one photo, a medical policy, a certificate from the place of work with a salary and an extract from the bank account.

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The visa itself costs $ 17. And to obtain a working visa, you will need to pay 70 dollars. Tourist visa is valid within a month from the date of entry into the country.

Special conditions for staying in a country for married women. If they came to Libya without escorting her husband or father, they simply do not be allowed into the country. And they need to have permission immigration service and the presence of relatives who meet them.

These are the conditions that must be observed to admire the beauties of Libya.

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