Sharm - El - Sheikh my eyes


Sharm - El - Sheikh or "Sheikh Bay" translated from Arabic, perhaps the most beautiful tourist resort of Egypt. There are many green plantings: everywhere palm trees, giant cacti, exotic plants. Everything is planted, built for tourists. That is why this is one of the favorite resorts for travelers. All hotels operate on the "All Inclusive" system, where for additional tips in one dollar, you can feel your local sheikh, because only here the "client is always right" and his desire law for service personnel. Egypt - the country is extremely poor, so it will give way to each client. Sharm - El - Sheik prefer lovers of lazy beach holidays. The climate is very hot here. It rains are extremely rare, the sun shines all year round, the temperature in the summer is offset for 40 degrees. The resort is the city of hotels and entertainment for tourists. From the attractions here you can see only the Sinai Mountains, National Reserves, the Old Town with the East Baza Plaza Old Market, the entertainment area of ​​Naama Bay. The most important attraction of the resort is an amazing beauty of the Red Sea. In extremely transparent water, you can see thousands of a variety of fish views. Large and small with amazingly - bright colorful fish swim in the sea with you, no fear of fear. That is why all tourists are preferred to swim with masks to see all the beauty of the underwater world. After all, besides fish here you can see magnificent corals. It's amazing!

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Snorcling and diving here is the most common type of entertainment. Here you can order a boat excursion with a transparent bottom and see all the beauty of the depths of the Red Sea. Souvenirs and other goods that love to buy tourists can be bought in nearby stores. They are here at every step. But expensive! I advise you for the goods to go to Old Market, located in the Old Town. Everything is cheap there and you can bargain. Locals like it. There are all sorts of magnets, plates, spices, oriental fabrics, tea can be purchased for a penny. From the excursions I advise you to go, of course, to Cairo to see the great pyramids.

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Immediately I will say that before visiting the pyramids you will be delivered to the souvenir shop, but there are huge prices. Different statuettes of gods, cats and other you literally shovel locals for a little thing near the pyramids themselves. Who was there, he will understand. Chaos is always going on near this place. Take care of wallets and cameras from local beggars!

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Be sure to go to Israel. Holy places will leave an indelible impression in your heart.

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If you want entertainment, then visit Nama Bay. This is something like local Las Vegas. There is a nightlife with shopping centers, casinos, restaurants. I advise you to try seafood from local cuisine. They are very tasty and worth a penny.

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Sharm - El - Sheikh should be visited to all lovers of an unforgettable holiday.

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