Food in the Sousse: Prices where to eat?


The issue of food, the cost of food and the availability of restaurants is worried about all tourists. Even if the family rests on the system "all inclusive", sooner or later she will want to have dinner not in a huge noisy restaurant of the hotel, but in a cozy cafe on the seashore. In the Sousse, such an opportunity is, because restaurants and street cafes in the city are a lot. Basically, Italian dishes and American hamburgers with french fries are served in them. The cost of pizza in 2014 did not exceed 7 Dinar, Calcon and the pasta of bolognese depending on the filling cost from 4 to 8 dinar. Portions are incredibly huge. We were enough for two.

To our enormous disappointment, only in single restaurants in the Sousse, the traveler has the opportunity to taste traditional local dishes. In restaurants on the central square in the restaurant menu there are some dishes from national cuisine, such as Couscous, snacks from eggplant, salads with tuna, but their prices and quality are unsatisfactory. I ate all these dishes in Lebanon, Jordan, there their taste is much better.

There are several large supermarkets in the tourist area in the tourist zone. They are not a good product range. The largest selection of fruits, vegetables, fresh fish, dairy products in the General, which is located closest to the port (from the central square you need to go through the arch in the house towards the Beach of Budzafar and pass by a large bookstore on the left. 150 meters on the left will be this Store. In the morning, the choice is better. In summer, a large selection of grapes and melons of different forms. On 8 dinar for a kilogram, wonderful wet riccot cheese is sold, among the entire diversity yogurt there is one kind without sugar and fillers. Very tasty. Also I also advise you to try local halva and tuna in Canned food in its own juice with Lebanese cakes that are sold immediately at the entrance to the trading room. According to our calculations, if the day there is only purchases from the supermarket (vegetables, cheese, cakes and meat, dairy products and sweets), then the costs do not exceed 15 dinar. For young children there are baby food, milk, diapers and clothing.

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As for the famous Tunisian sweets, it is not necessary to look for them not in supermarkets or souvenir shops. There they are standard and do not surprise, at least me with my husband. For a real taste, we went to the market. Under the serf wall there is a small shop, to the edge filled with delicious sweets for every taste. Near her at any time of the day it is the turn of local residents. But waiting in line justifies, as soon as the first piece of the honey and nut cake goes into the mouth. When you first buy, you do not need to hurry with the choice. If English is not a problem, I advise you to develop girls-saleswoman and fillings and features of products. Prices per kilogram from 5 to 12 dinar. The most expensive sweets: nut paste from almonds and hazelnuts with honey, wrapped in a thin sheet of layer dough. They took some sweets in this shop regularly. Everything is always fresher and beautiful.

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On the issue of strong alcoholic beverages, I can not say anything, but here is beer and wine that is served in restaurants, not impressed at all. It is a pity that in Tunisia it is not customary to serve local wines from the northern plantations. Wine mainly from Europe. And the beer tasteless.

Now about security and well-being during and after meals. Water needs to drink only bottled, its prices in the supermarkets of the country around 500 Milimov for 1.5 liters, there is cheaper. It is better to choose a restaurant on the principle of "where more visitors are tastier there." It is better if you see not only tourists from the tables, but also local families with children. In many cafes, the Sousse is customary to smoke hookah. This pleasant pastime can bring a lot of trouble: tubes and flasks from different visitors to the institution are only slightly rushed. Dangerous infections are not destroyed. Before ordering a hookah, think if the 30 minutes of smoking really cost a few weeks or months of exhausting treatment. If you really want to smoke a hookah, it is better to buy a small hookah in one of the stores for 20 - 40 dinar, tobacco and coal. After rest, the souvenir will remain!

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