Salou, Port Aventura is the best family holiday in Spain.


Fifteen days of stay in Salou left the best impressions in our memory. Before the beginning and after graduating from a high season, in my opinion, it's time to relax with children. Soft, not very hot weather gives a comfortable stay. Good service, reasonable prices, the flow of tourists is reduced, it is easier to find a comfortable place on the beach and the most important thing to visit more attractions in the thematic entertainment fleet Port Aventura.

Salou, Port Aventura is the best family holiday in Spain. 11369_1

Salou is a small seaside resort and a famous tourist center in Catalonia. Beautiful sandy beaches, picturesque bays, green parks. Very beautiful Boulevard King Zhauma's first stretched along the entire central beach more than a kilometer. There are many fountains here, and in the evening an unforgettable show is arranged - singing fountain. In hotels there is everything that is inherent on beach resorts. Pools, Entertainment Centers, Effective Animators for Children, etc. Breakfasts are not pleased with the diversity, but the abundance of fruits completely eliminate this flaw. Kiwi, pineapples, bananas, peaches, apples, pears, watermelons, melons, grapes, cherry, strawberries - everything is in abundance. At various times, for dinner, arrange "meat", "fish" and "sea" days, then you can enjoy to taste a variety of dishes.

Not far from hotels in sufficient quantities are local restaurants. Prices are different, and portions are just huge. We ordered two portions on four. A small knowledge of English will help in communicating with waiters, although there are already cafes with Russian-speaking service.

The main advantage of Salou is of course the amusement park port Aventura, the second largest amusement park in Europe. Visit it must be necessary. It is interesting not only to children, but also adults.

Salou, Port Aventura is the best family holiday in Spain. 11369_2

A ticket to the park is better to order immediately at the tour operator it will be much cheaper than buying it in place. The port of Aventura is divided into six thematic areas, each of which represents one of the historical civilizations, reliably reproducing characteristic features of each culture. Thematic shows and scenery contributes to the full immersion in other "worlds". Here you can ride on any rides ranging from small swings and ending with extreme attractions. Not far from the park is the water park, which also added diversity to our rest.

Salou, Port Aventura is the best family holiday in Spain. 11369_3

It is much better to go to such a trip with children over 10 years old. Rostomers in the park limit the skip of children by growth in complex and extreme attractions. Therefore, my advice, wait for your kids to grow up and then you will fully feel the beauty of the family holiday in the park of Port Aventura. Good luck. I hope my feedback will help you with a choice.

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